Query Mystery

  • Hello Friends ….I’ve a table which has 4 partitions and those partitioned table are purged by a job every 16 hours. So If I query the table I should see 64hrs data as those 4 partitions are purged every 16 hours but In my case I get some records for 2009 and also 2010 as well….not really sure how this is happening. Could you please help me solving this issue?

  • Can you post partition function and scheme scripts?

    You can script them from the DB>Storage folder.

    Alex S
  • you may also want to add your purge script, used every 16h to let us have a look how you are trying to do it.


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  • Here is the script from the job...



    DECLARE @CMD0 nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @CMD1 nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @CMD1A nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @CMD2 nvarchar(2000)

    DECLARE @CMD3 nvarchar(2000)

    Declare @CurrentFG nvarchar(20)

    Declare @CurrentExitTable nvarchar(30)

    DECLARE @MergeDate datetime

    DECLARE @SplitDate datetime

    DECLARE @MergeDates nvarchar(30)

    DECLARE @SplitDates nvarchar(30)

    --Get the oldest boundary. Set the new boundary to NOW.

    Set @MergeDate = Convert(DateTime,(Select min(value) from sys.partition_range_values A Join sys.partition_functions B ON (A.function_id = B.function_id)))

    SET @SplitDate = (GETDATE())

    Set @MergeDates = (Convert(nvarchar(30),@MergeDate,121))

    Set @SplitDates = (Convert(nvarchar(30),@SplitDate,121))

    --Locate the filegroup that needs to be cleaned.

    Set @CurrentFG =


    fg.name AS FileGroupName

    FROM (((sys.tables AS t

    INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i

    ON (t.object_id = i.object_id))

    INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps

    ON (i.data_space_id = ps.data_space_id))

    INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds

    ON (ps.data_space_id = dds.partition_scheme_id))

    INNER JOIN sys.filegroups AS fg

    ON dds.data_space_id = fg.data_space_id

    WHERE (t.name = 'tests') AND (i.index_id IN (0,1)) AND

    dds.destination_id = $partition.SystemEventsPartitionFunction(@MergeDate))

    --Set the name of the Exit Table

    If @CurrentFG = 'SysEventsFG1' Set @CurrentExitTable = 'tblSystemEventsPartFG1'

    If @CurrentFG = 'SysEventsFG2' Set @CurrentExitTable = 'tblSystemEventsPartFG2'

    If @CurrentFG = 'SysEventsFG3' Set @CurrentExitTable = 'tblSystemEventsPartFG3'

    If @CurrentFG = 'SysEventsFG4' Set @CurrentExitTable = 'tblSystemEventsPartFG4'

    --Dynamic SQL does the following:

    --1. Creates the Exit Table.

    --2. Switch the data in the "Main" table to the exit table.

    --3. Merges the leftmost boundry in the partition function.

    --4. Sets the Next Used fileGroup.

    --5. Splits the right most boundry (Add a future date to the function).

    --6. Truncates, then Drops the Exit Table

    Set @Cmd0 = '

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].['+@CurrentExitTable+'](

    [fldWorkflowInstanceID] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [fldContactNumber] [bigint] NULL,

    [fldAccountID] [bigint] NULL,

    [fldNodeID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [fldStartTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [fldEndTime] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [fldAgentID] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,

    [fldStationID] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,

    [fldSystemEventTypeID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [fldServerName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL

    ) ON ['+@CurrentFG+']


    SET @Cmd1 = '

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Events]


    TO ['

    Set @Cmd1A = ']

    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION SystemEventsPartitionFunction()

    MERGE RANGE ('''

    Set @CMD2 = ''')

    ALTER PARTITION SCHEME [SystemEventsPartitionScheme] NEXT USED ['

    SEt @Cmd3 = ']

    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION SystemEventsPartitionFunction()

    SPLIT RANGE ('''

    --Uncomment To Test:

    --Select (@CMD0 + @CMD1 + @CurrentExitTable +@CMD1A+ @MergeDates + @CMD2 + @CurrentFG + @CMD3 + @SplitDates + ''')'+ ' Truncate table dbo.' + @CurrentExitTable + ' Drop table dbo.' + @CurrentExitTable)

    Exec (@CMD0 + @CMD1 + @CurrentExitTable +@CMD1A+ @MergeDates + @CMD2 + @CurrentFG + @CMD3 + @SplitDates + ''')'+ ' Truncate table dbo.' + @CurrentExitTable + ' Drop table dbo.' + @CurrentExitTable)

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