November 12, 2010 at 8:42 pm
Looking for best way to, with T-SQL only, remotely execute DML when remote server is not known at design time.
Scenario - Caller passes name of linked server to stored proc. Store procedure then:
1) Execs DML at remote server to have remote server create a temp table:
SELECT TOP(10000) id INTO @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable2
FROM @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable1 -- ERROR! Need best equiv
2) Chunk rows:
WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable2) -- ERROR!
UPDATE localtable t1 INNER JOIN @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable2 t2
ON = -- ERROR! Need best equiv
DROP TABLE @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable2
DELETE @linkedservername.dbname.schema.tablename1
SELECT TOP(10000) id INTO @linkedservername.dbname.schema.temptable2
FROM @linkedservername.dbname.schema.tablename1 -- ERROR! Need best equiv
No client involved. Run as Sql Agent job. Can't create sprocs at remote server. Can't use/redefine synonym. Want to be able to run against multiple linked servers at the same time. Could write separate sprocs for each linked server, but that's no fun slash extra work when linked servers are added over time.
These don't work:
OPENQUERY( @linkedservername, @DML) -- doesn't accept variables as params.
EXECUTE (@DML) AT @linkedservername -- errors out
This works (but is nasty! And will take forever to figure out the join across the wire):
DECLARE @sourceLinkedServer NVARCHAR(30), @sql NVARCHAR(500)
SET @sourceLinkedServer = N'[linkedservername]'
SET @sql = N'SELECT * INTO tempTblInsideLinkeServerDB FROM table WHERE col1 = x'
SET @sql = @sourceLinkedServer + N'.master.sys.sp_executesql N''' + @sql + ' '' '
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql
Help much appreciated.
November 15, 2010 at 11:46 am
The last one is the correct method.
For linked servers (or server name in the 4 part name), you cannot use variables directly.
Therefore, you need to store your SQL statement in a string and insert the server name there, and then execute your string with EXEC or sp_executesql.
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