Query items into correct order

  • I need some assistance in creating a query (some sort of recursive query).

    I have the following two tables, tblObject and tblDependency. Most of the objects are built in a special order, requiring an object(s) to be complete before it is built. Per example, before building 2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue, the 2005_viewAccountsPay must be built (and before building the 2005_viewAccountsPay, the 2005_viewAccounts must be built). I need to order all of the objects such that any dependencies are listed before the object shows up in the list; therefore, any objects without a dependency shall show up first.

    tblObject (in actuality, I shall have an objectType field and both the name and type shall uniquely identify the row – hence the objectID)

    objectID objectName

    1 2005_viewInvestors

    2 2005_viewInvestorsProps

    3 2005_viewInvestorPropsTax

    4 2005_viewAccounts

    5 2005_viewAccountsPay

    6 2005_viewInvestorAccounts

    7 2005_viewCompanies

    8 2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue

    tblDependency (both are foreign keys to tblObject.objectID)



    3 2

    5 4

    6 1

    6 4


    Query should result in the following order:


    1 2005_viewInvestors (no dependencies)

    4 2005_viewAccounts (no dependencies)

    7 2005_viewCompanies (no dependencies)

    2 2005_viewInvestorsProps (1 created first)

    3 2005_viewInvestorPropsTax (2 created first)

    5 2005_viewAccountsPay (4 created first)

    6 2005_viewInvestorAccounts (1 and 4 created first)

    8 2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue (5 created first)

    Thanks for any guidance!

  • Assuming objectID indicates order of creation:

    SELECT O.objectID


    FROM tblObject O

     LEFT JOIN (

      SELECT DISTINCT R.dependent_objectID

      FROM tblDependency R ) D

     ON O.objectID = D.dependent_objectID


     CASE WHEN D.dependent_objectID IS NULL

     THEN 0

     ELSE 1 END



  • Object_ID not indicative of order of creation (sorry I changed names, but you might get the gist):-



      @Objects INT

     ,@Built INT

     ,@CurrentObject INT

     ,@LastUnbuiltObject INT

     ,@Build CHAR(1)

    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Objects') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE dbo.#Objects

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#Objects


      [Id] INT

     ,Object VARCHAR(50)


    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Dependencies') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE dbo.#Dependencies

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#Dependencies


      Object INT

     ,DependsOn INT


    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (1, '2005_viewInvestors')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (2, '2005_viewInvestorsProps')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (3, '2005_viewInvestorPropsTax')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (4, '2005_viewAccounts')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (5, '2005_viewAccountsPay')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (6, '2005_viewInvestorAccounts')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (7, '2005_viewCompanies')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Objects([Id],Object) VALUES (8, '2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue')

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (2, 1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (3, 2)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (5, 4)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (6, 1)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (6, 4)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Dependencies(Object, DependsOn) VALUES (8, 5)

    -- Query should result in the following order:

    -- objectID objectName

    -- 1 2005_viewInvestors (no dependencies)

    -- 4 2005_viewAccounts (no dependencies)

    -- 7 2005_viewCompanies (no dependencies)

    -- 2 2005_viewInvestorsProps (1 created first)

    -- 3 2005_viewInvestorPropsTax (2 created first)

    -- 5 2005_viewAccountsPay (4 created first)

    -- 6 2005_viewInvestorAccounts (1 and 4 created first)

    -- 8 2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue (5 created first)

    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb.dbo.#Builds') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE dbo.#Builds

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#Builds


      [ID] INT IDENTITY(1,1)

     ,Object INT


    -- Get first level objects (ie those with no dependencies)

    INSERT INTO dbo.#Builds(Object)




     dbo.#Objects o

    LEFT JOIN dbo.#Dependencies d

     ON o.[Id] = d.Object


     d.Object IS NULL

    -- set loop variables

    SELECT @Objects = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.#Objects

    SELECT @Built = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.#Builds

    -- while we still have objects to build

    WHILE @Built <  @Objects


     -- set first and last row ID's of objects still unbuilt


       @CurrentObject = MIN([ID])

      ,@LastUnbuiltObject = MAX([ID])




      [ID] NOT IN (SELECT [Object] FROM dbo.#Builds)

     -- Process each unbuilt object

     WHILE @CurrentObject <= @LastUnbuiltObject

     BEGIN  -- check to see if it can be built

       -- by checking if this object has ANY

       -- rows in dependencies where the

       -- DependsOn has not yet been built

       -- if so, then do not build

       -- if not, then build

      IF EXISTS(

         SELECT *




           Object = @CurrentObject


           DependsOn NOT IN(SELECT [ID] FROM dbo.#Builds)



       SET @Build = 'N'




       SET @Build = 'Y'


      -- if we can build

      -- insert into the Builds table and exit the inner loop

      IF @Build = 'Y'


       INSERT INTO dbo.#Builds(Object)

       VALUES (@CurrentObject)



      ELSE -- if we cannot build, reset currentobject and repeat loop to see if it can be built



        @CurrentObject = MIN([ID])




        [ID] > @CurrentObject



     -- re-calculate how many are now built and repeat until all objects have been processed

     SELECT @Built = COUNT(*) FROM dbo.#Builds






     dbo.#Builds b

    INNER JOIN dbo.#Objects o

     ON b.[ID] = o.[ID]



  • >> Object_ID not indicative of order of creation

    There seems to be nothing else to indicate the order of creation.

    Something like my query will produce the results in the order you want. Using your test data:



    FROM #Objects O

     LEFT JOIN (


      FROM #Dependencies R ) D

     ON O.[ID] = D.Object



     THEN 0

     ELSE 1 END



    ID          Object                                            

    ----------- --------------------------------------------------

    1           2005_viewInvestors

    4           2005_viewAccounts

    7           2005_viewCompanies

    2           2005_viewInvestorsProps

    3           2005_viewInvestorPropsTax

    5           2005_viewAccountsPay

    6           2005_viewInvestorAccounts

    8           2005_viewAccountsPayOverdue

    (8 row(s) affected)


  • Thanks for the help (sorry about the late response). I'm testing out the above information today. As per the creation order, it really is not important. I just need to ensure that anything dependent upon other objects is listed after all of its dependencies. Anything without a dependency should be listed at the top (doesn't really matter what the order is, but alphabetical would make sense).

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