Query inside of a SQL report - look?

  • Ok so I took over for a previous DBA. He wrote SQL reports for a phone system to pull data. Problem is, this only queries for the current month and I needed last month's data. CAn anyone make any means of this query? Is there anyway I can tweak it to get last month's data? This query is actually pulling data from a MySQL database through and ODBC connection. It's a mess, but it's what I'm stuck with.

    Select * into #wrap from openquery(SHORETEL_CCIR,'SELECT e.g_event_id,wc.w_name,e.event_id,ep.agent_id,

    a.a_name,et.event_name,g.g_name,e.event_time,rc.rc_name,month(e.event_time) as ''Month'',YEAR(e.event_time) as ''Year'', field_name

    FROM agent a

    LEFT JOIN event_parties ep

    on a.agent_id = ep.agent_id

    LEFT JOIN events e ON ep.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN release_codes rc ON e.release_id=rc.rc_id

    LEFT JOIN event_types et ON e.event_id=et.event_id

    LEFT JOIN wu_code wc ON wc.w_number=e.w_number

    LEFT JOIN ivr_apps ia ON ia.ivr_app_id=e.ivr_app_id

    LEFT JOIN cause_code cc ON cc.cause_id=e.cause_id

    LEFT JOIN dial_lists dl ON dl.dl_id=e.dl_id

    LEFT JOIN event_call_profile ecp ON ecp.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN cp_fields cf ON cf.field_id = ecp.field_id

    LEFT JOIN ccs_hdr ch ON ch.ccs_id=e.ccs_id

    LEFT JOIN services s ON s.srv_id=e.srv_id

    LEFT JOIN irn i ON i.irn_id=e.irn_id

    LEFT JOIN event_groups eg ON eg.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN grp g ON g.group_id=eg.group_id

    where year(event_time) =year(now())

    ' )

    delete from #wrap where a_name not in (select distinct a_name from #wrap where g_name in ('Cust Serv','CS Overflow', 'Claims', 'Rep', 'LTC') and event_name like '%Agent%' AND a_name not like 'Ann Jegerlehner' )

    Select month, count(event_name) as 'Answer' into #Answer from #wrap

    where g_name !='NULL' AND field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    AND event_name = 'agent answer'

    group by month

    select month,CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageWrap,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageWrap, AverageWrap as AveWSec into #avgWrap from (Select w.month,


    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageWrap

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W3

    where w3.agent_id = w.agent_id

    and w3.event_time < w.event_time

    and (w3.event_id = 4 OR w3.event_id = 2)

    order by w3.event_time desc

    ) w3

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and w2.event_id = 14

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 34

    group by w.month)w

    select month, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageHold,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageHold, AverageHold as AvgHSec into #avgHold from (Select w.month,


    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageHold

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id != 19)

    order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 19

    group by w.month)x

    select month, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageTreat,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageTreat, AverageTreat as AvgTSec into #avgTreat from (Select w.month,


    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageTreat

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id =14)

    order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 4 and w.field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    group by w.month)x

    select month,

    case when TotalTreat> (24*60*60)


    cast(TotalTreat/86400 as varchar(50))+':'+

    Convert(VarChar, DateAdd(S, TotalTreat, 0), 108)


    convert(varchar(8), dateadd(second, TotalTreat, '0:00:00'), 108)

    end as TotalTreat, TotalTreat/3600.00 as TotalTHrs into #totalTreat from (Select w.month,


    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time)) as TotalTreat

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id =14)

    order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 4 and w.field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    group by w.month)x

    select month, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageTalk,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageTalk, AverageTalk as AvgTalkSec into #avgTalk from (Select w.month,


    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageTalk

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id =34)

    order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 4 and w.field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    group by w.month)x

    Select month, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageRelease,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageRelease, AverageRelease as AvgReleaseSec into #avgRelease from (Select w.month,

    sum(datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageRelease

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id = 33 or w2.event_id = 32 or w2.event_id = 30)

    Order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 32

    Group By w.month)x

    Select month,

    case when TotalRelease> (24*60*60)


    cast(TotalRelease/86400 as varchar(50))+':'+

    Convert(VarChar, DateAdd(S, TotalRelease, 0), 108)


    convert(varchar(8), dateadd(second, TotalRelease, '0:00:00'), 108)

    end as TotalRelease, TotalRelease/3600.00 as TotalReleaseHrs into #totalRelease from (Select w.month,

    sum(datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time)) as TotalRelease

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time > w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id = 33 or w2.event_id = 32 or w2.event_id = 30)

    Order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 32

    Group By w.month)x

    select month, CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(second, AverageRing,'0:00:00'),108) as AverageRing, AverageRing as AvgRingSec, totalringsec, Count into #ring from (Select w.month,


    iif(datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time) > 12,12,

    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time)))/COUNT(w.a_name) as AverageRing,


    iif(datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time) > 12,12,

    datediff(second,W.event_time,w2.event_time))) as totalringsec ,

    count(w.a_name) as Count

    FROM #Wrap W

    cross apply


    Select top 1 *

    from #Wrap W2

    where w.agent_id = w2.agent_id

    and w2.event_time >= w.event_time

    and (w2.event_id =4)

    and w2.field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    order by w2.event_time

    ) w2

    where w.event_id = 5 and w.field_name = 'Alternative Call ID'

    group by w.month)x

    select w.month,a.answer as Answered,w.AverageWrap,w.AveWSec, isNULL(h.AverageHold,'00:00:00')as AverageHold, isNULL(h.AvgHSec,0) as AvgHSec,

    isNULL(t.AverageTreat,'00:00:00')as AverageTreat, isNULL(t.AvgTSec,0)as AvgTSec,tt.totalTreat, tt.totalTHrs,

    CONVERT(varchar, DATEADD(s, t.AvgTSec-w.AveWSec, 0), 108) as AverageTalk, tk.AvgTalkSec,ar.AverageRelease, ar.AvgReleaseSec, tr.TotalRelease, tr.TotalReleaseHrs,

    r.AverageRing, r.AvgRingSec


    #avgWrap w


    #avgHold h ON w.month=h.month

    Left Join

    #avgTreat t ON w.month=t.month

    Left Join

    #Answer a ON w.month=a.month

    Left Join

    #avgTalk tk ON w.month=tk.month

    Left Join

    #totalTreat tt ON w.month=tt.month

    Left Join

    #avgRelease ar ON w.month = ar.month

    left Join

    #totalRelease tr ON w.month = tr.month

    left join

    #ring r ON w.month = r.month

    --where w.a_name in (@agent)

    drop table #wrap

    drop table #avgHold

    drop table #avgWrap

    drop table #avgTreat

    drop table #answer

    drop table #avgTalk

    drop table #totalTreat

    drop table #avgRelease

    drop table #totalRelease

    drop table #ring

  • First, this site is for Microsoft's SQL Server and while they are similar, MySQL has some differences and one of them is where your issue is. This part is the problem.

    where year(event_time) =year(now())

    The script actually returns the entire year's worth of data, it just so happens that January is the only month this year. SQL Server doesn't use year(now()). So you need to figure out how to change that value to get last year's data. Maybe:

    where year(event_time) =year(now()-1)


  • I did try this, but it still just gave me the same month's data.

  • I have to admit that I know little about MySQL, but you should be able to use something like this:

    WHERE event_time>DATEADD(m,-2,GETDATE())

    (subtracts two months from the current date).

  • For previous month, according to the first result on Google, would be using the following clause.

    SELECT * INTO #Wrap

    FROM OPENQUERY( Shoretel_Ccir, 'SELECT e.g_event_id,wc.w_name,e.event_id,ep.agent_id,

    a.a_name,et.event_name,g.g_name,e.event_time,rc.rc_name,month(e.event_time) as ''Month'',YEAR(e.event_time) as ''Year'', field_name

    FROM agent a

    LEFT JOIN event_parties ep

    on a.agent_id = ep.agent_id

    LEFT JOIN events e ON ep.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN release_codes rc ON e.release_id=rc.rc_id

    LEFT JOIN event_types et ON e.event_id=et.event_id

    LEFT JOIN wu_code wc ON wc.w_number=e.w_number

    LEFT JOIN ivr_apps ia ON ia.ivr_app_id=e.ivr_app_id

    LEFT JOIN cause_code cc ON cc.cause_id=e.cause_id

    LEFT JOIN dial_lists dl ON dl.dl_id=e.dl_id

    LEFT JOIN event_call_profile ecp ON ecp.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN cp_fields cf ON cf.field_id = ecp.field_id

    LEFT JOIN ccs_hdr ch ON ch.ccs_id=e.ccs_id

    LEFT JOIN services s ON s.srv_id=e.srv_id

    LEFT JOIN irn i ON i.irn_id=e.irn_id

    LEFT JOIN event_groups eg ON eg.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN grp g ON g.group_id=eg.group_id

    where event_time BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH, ''%Y-%m-01 00:00:00'')

    AND DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH), ''%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'')

    ' );

    For previous year, is easier.

    where year(event_time) =year(now()) - 1

    If this doesn't work, you'll have to go through all the code (250 lines after I ran my formatting tool).

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I tried this and ran the report and it came back with this..

    An error occurred during the local report processing. Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1' Cannot get the column information from OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' for linked server "Shortel_CCIR"

  • Luis Cazares (1/7/2015)

    For previous month, according to the first result on Google, would be using the following clause.

    SELECT * INTO #Wrap

    FROM OPENQUERY( Shoretel_Ccir, 'SELECT e.g_event_id,wc.w_name,e.event_id,ep.agent_id,

    a.a_name,et.event_name,g.g_name,e.event_time,rc.rc_name,month(e.event_time) as ''Month'',YEAR(e.event_time) as ''Year'', field_name

    FROM agent a

    LEFT JOIN event_parties ep

    on a.agent_id = ep.agent_id

    LEFT JOIN events e ON ep.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN release_codes rc ON e.release_id=rc.rc_id

    LEFT JOIN event_types et ON e.event_id=et.event_id

    LEFT JOIN wu_code wc ON wc.w_number=e.w_number

    LEFT JOIN ivr_apps ia ON ia.ivr_app_id=e.ivr_app_id

    LEFT JOIN cause_code cc ON cc.cause_id=e.cause_id

    LEFT JOIN dial_lists dl ON dl.dl_id=e.dl_id

    LEFT JOIN event_call_profile ecp ON ecp.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN cp_fields cf ON cf.field_id = ecp.field_id

    LEFT JOIN ccs_hdr ch ON ch.ccs_id=e.ccs_id

    LEFT JOIN services s ON s.srv_id=e.srv_id

    LEFT JOIN irn i ON i.irn_id=e.irn_id

    LEFT JOIN event_groups eg ON eg.g_event_id=e.g_event_id

    LEFT JOIN grp g ON g.group_id=eg.group_id

    where event_time BETWEEN DATE_FORMAT(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH, ''%Y-%m-01 00:00:00'')

    AND DATE_FORMAT(LAST_DAY(NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH), ''%Y-%m-%d 23:59:59'')

    ' );

    For previous year, is easier.

    where year(event_time) =year(now()) - 1

    If this doesn't work, you'll have to go through all the code (250 lines after I ran my formatting tool).


  • I also have a need for previous week. How would I go about editting this code?

    where event_time >= curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(curdate())+6 DAY

    AND event_time < curdate() - INTERVAL DAYOFWEEK(curdate())-1 DAY

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