Query if extract failed and/or succeed the same day

  • We extract 10k tables every night and I have a table that keeps track of ETL tables that fail or succeed.

    I would like to know if a table fails during the night and nobody kicks off another job to fix it during the day.

    The table structure looks like this:

    | Table_Name | Time_Start | Status | Duration | Time_End |

    Table_Name = varchar(20)

    Time_Start = DateTime

    Status varchar(7) = Success or Error

    Duration = Number

    Time_End = DateTime

    Select Table_Name into #MyTempTable

    From ETL.STATS_Table

    Where Status = 'Error'

    AND Cast(Time_Start as Date) = GetDate()

    Here's where I need your help. How do I take the table names from #MyTempTable

    and find out if they where successful for the same date? Duration time and Time_End fields aren't needed.

  • So that means my question is really complicated or really stupid....

  • The name of getdate() is somewhat misleading as it returns datetime. For your WHERE clause to work you will have to replace getdate() by cast(getdate() as date).

  • For datetime columns, you should use a range to prevent the use of functions in your column. You might also want to have a computed column either for duration or time_end.

    Here's an example of these recommendations.


    Table_Name varchar(20),

    Time_Start DateTime,

    Status varchar(7),-- = Success or Error

    Duration int,

    Time_End AS DATEADD(minute, Duration, Time_Start));


    ('Table 1', '20141120 03:12:15', 'Success', 12),

    ('Table 2', '20141120 04:12:15', 'Error', 15),

    ('Table 3', '20141120 05:12:15', 'Success', 32),

    ('Table 4', '20141120 06:12:15', 'Error', 27),

    ('Table 5', '20141120 07:12:15', 'Success', 5);

    Select *

    --into #MyTempTable

    From STATS_Table

    Where Status = 'Error'

    AND Time_Start >= DATEADD( dd, DATEDIFF( dd, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

    AND Time_Start <= GETDATE()


    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I apologize that my statement confused the result I was looking for. How can I find the tables

    below that failed and were never successful for the same day? Some tables may succeed or fail

    more than once on the same day.

    /********* This is the table ***********/


    Table1 fail 2014-11-22 02:05:00.000

    Table1 success2014-11-22 16:51:00.000

    Table2 success2014-11-22 05:59:00.000

    Table2 success2014-11-23 05:51:00.000

    Table3 fail 2014-11-22 05:30:00.000

    Table3 success 2014-11-23 06:50:00.000

    Table1 success2014-11-22 18:51:00.000

    /*********** End table ***************/

    Now how do I find out if those two entries Table1 and Table3 were later successful for 11/22/2014?

  • smitty-1088185 (11/22/2014)

    How can I find the tables

    below that failed and were never successful for the same day? Some tables may succeed or fail

    more than once on the same day.

    Now how do I find out if those two entries Table1 and Table3 were later successful for 11/22/2014?

    This is A way of doing this.

    ** NOTES **

    This is not the most efficient way to do this but should be enough to get you pointed in the right direction.

    This works for the dataset provided.

    See how the DDL is formated for easy consumption for future posts!!

    declare @t1 table


    Table_Name varchar(20)

    ,Import_Status varchar(7)

    ,Start_Time datetime


    Insert @t1 (Table_Name, Import_Status, Start_Time) VALUES

    ('Table1', 'fail', '2014-11-22 02:05:00.000')

    ,('Table1', 'success', '2014-11-22 16:51:00.000')

    ,('Table2', 'success', '2014-11-22 05:59:00.000')

    ,('Table2', 'success', '2014-11-23 05:51:00.000')

    ,('Table3', 'fail', '2014-11-22 05:30:00.000')

    ,('Table3', 'success', '2014-11-23 06:50:00.000')

    ,('Table1', 'success', '2014-11-22 18:51:00.000');

    select Table_Name, CAST(start_time as DATE) RunDate

    ,SUM(case when import_status = 'success' then 1 else 0 end) successRuns

    ,SUM(case when import_status = 'fail' then 1 else 0 end) failedRuns

    from @t1

    group by Table_Name, cast(Start_Time as date)

    order by Table_Name

    How to Post to get the most: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/

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