February 26, 2009 at 5:17 pm
We have this table {uniqueid, userid, reportname}. A user can have more than one reportname. The reportname should be unique for each user, but this rule was not enforced before. So we have some users with same reportname (but unique uniqueid) appearing more than once.
I want to select these users with duplicate reportnames and update their reportname to be reportname + uniqueid. This will make all users have unique reportnames. This is what I have so far, I am not sure how efficient this is. I can see this will also update some additional/unwanted reportnames. Any suggestion on how this query can be improved?
UPDATE userreports SET reportname = reportname + '-' + CAST(uniqueid AS VARCHAR(5))
WHERE userid IN (SELECT userid FROM userreports GROUP BY userid, reportname HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
AND reportname IN (SELECT reportname FROM userreports GROUP BY userid, reportname HAVING COUNT(*) > 1)
uniqueid userid reportname
12345 100 REPORT1
12346 100 REPORT2
12347 100 REPORT2
12348 101 REPORT1
12349 101 REPORT1
12350 101 REPORT2
The updated result should be like this
uniqueid userid reportname
12345 100 REPORT1
12346 100 REPORT2-12346
12347 100 REPORT2-12347
12348 101 REPORT1-12348
12349 101 REPORT1-12349
12350 101 REPORT2
February 26, 2009 at 5:49 pm
February 26, 2009 at 6:12 pm
Hi ,
You can do this by joining to a cte. Note that you need to join on both reportName and UserID otherwise you will run into trouble...
Firstly run the following to see the potential changes
create table # (uniqueid int, userid int, reportname varchar(128))
insert # select 12345, 100, 'REPORT1'
union all select 12346, 100, 'REPORT2'
union all select 12347, 100, 'REPORT2'
union all select 12348, 101, 'REPORT1'
union all select 12349, 101, 'REPORT1'
union all select 12350, 101, 'REPORT2'
with cte
(select userid, reportname from #
group by userid, reportname
having count(uniqueid) >1)
select * , #.reportname + cast(uniqueid as varchar(16)) as newName
from cte inner join # on cte.userid = #.userid and cte.reportname = #.reportname
If that looks fine then run this to update....
with cte
(select userid, reportname from #
group by userid, reportname
having count(uniqueid) >1)
update #
set #.reportname = #.reportname + cast(uniqueid as varchar(16))
from cte inner join # on cte.userid = #.userid and cte.reportname = #.reportname
February 26, 2009 at 6:32 pm
CTE is just "C like" replacement for derived table.
SET reportname = reportname + '-' + CAST(uniqueid AS VARCHAR(5))
FROM dbo.userreports R
INNER JOIN (SELECT userid, reportname
FROM dbo.userreports
GROUP BY userid, reportname
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) DT ON R.reportname = DT.reportname AND R.userid = DT.userid
But this will update all records having duplicated reportname.
I could exclude "first" or "last" ones if I'd know why 12345 should not be updated and 12346 should be.
Code for TallyGenerator
February 26, 2009 at 9:29 pm
I am sorry if I didn't explain myself clearly. The user 100 has two reports by same name - REPORT2. The id is unique, but we still would like the report name to be unique too. Similarly userid 101 has two reports - REPORT1, which should be updated to be unique.
Id 12345 (for 100) and 12350 (for 101) have unique reportname for that user.
The above query does work like I wanted. It does not update the record 12345 and 12350. Thanks.
February 26, 2009 at 10:28 pm
Senthil T (2/26/2009)
Hi,We have this table {uniqueid, userid, reportname}. A user can have more than one reportname. The reportname should be unique for each user, but this rule was not enforced before. So we have some users with same reportname (but unique uniqueid) appearing more than once.
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February 27, 2009 at 1:08 am
Senthil T (2/26/2009)
Id 12345 (for 100) and 12350 (for 101) have unique reportname for that user.The above query does work like I wanted. It does not update the record 12345 and 12350. Thanks.
Oh, I see what I missed in your data.
But in my query I followed the logic - and (Oh, miracle! :hehe:) it worked correctly.
Code for TallyGenerator
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