Query Help (SubQuery?)

  • See area in blue text below.  Trying to return the max fiscal week from depot_buckets.  This table contains a row for each week of the year for the past 3 years. (fiscal_wk, fiscal_yr, reporting_year, date_start).  This works if I use the date column, problem is that the date_start is the Monday of every week therefore a different date each year.

    Here is the error message:

    No column was specified for column 1 of 't1'.


    DECLARE @MAXWEEK datetime



     fiscal_wk from depot_buckets b inner join





    &nbsp t1


     on b.date_start = t1.date_start)

    select  'POS' [Account], 

    @maxweek [Week], 




    sum(case when year(p.date_start) = year(getdate())-1 and p.date_start = @maxweek then qty_sold else 0 end) [LYWkQty], 

    sum(case when year(p.date_start) = year(getdate()) and p.date_start = @maxweek then qty_sold else 0 end) [TYWkQty], 

    sum(case when year(p.date_start) = year(getdate())-1 and p.date_start = @maxweek then currency_sold else 0 end) [LYWkPOS], 

    sum(case when year(p.date_start) = year(getdate()) and p.date_start = @maxweek then currency_sold else 0 end) [TYWkPOS] 


     depot_pos_item_sum p 

     inner join depot_items i on i.idx_item = p.idx_item 

     inner join depot_buckets b on b.date_start = p.date_start  

    group by 




  • >>No column was specified for column 1 of 't1'.

    t1 is a derived table. All columns in a derived table must be explicitly named. The expression max(date_start) has not been assigned a column name in the resultset. Change it to this, and reference the column as t1.MaxDateStart:


      max(date_start) As MaxDateStart --(Or whatever you want to name it)


  • You guys rock!  Thanks for the help!!

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