August 11, 2009 at 12:04 am
I have a table that holding financial transactions. Every transaction will have TranDate, Auth_type, SeqNo, Amt. If it is approved, auth type will be 1. For some reasons, after approval, the transaction may get rejected. The rejected transaction will have another entry with the same SeqNO with Auth_type = 2. Sometimes, the rejection might happen after few days. So, the transaction will have different TranDate without approval code for the day. the schema of the table
create table #DailyTran (
TranDate datetime not null,
Auth_type smallint not null,
SeqNo varchar(10) not null,
Amt1 decimal(12,3)
insert #DailyTran values ('2009-08-11 08:47:01.947', 1, '0000001',45.00)
insert #DailyTran values ('2009-08-11 08:47:50.540', 2, '0000001',45.00)
insert #DailyTran values ('2009-08-11 08:48:40.090', 1, '000045545',234.00)
insert #DailyTran values ('2009-08-11 08:49:58.840', 2, '0343401',60.00)
insert #DailyTran values ('2009-08-11 08:51:09.947', 1, '0867766001',18.00)
I want to get the only rejected transaction without the parent entry (auth_type =1). I just ignore the approved transaction and approved/rejected transaction with the same seqno.
In this example, i would like get the 4th row (auth_type = 2, seqno '0343401', amt =60.00). Please help me with this query.
August 11, 2009 at 12:41 am
try this
select seqNo,Auth_type,Amt1
from #DailyTran
where Auth_type = 2
and seqNo not in (select seqNo
from #DailyTran
where Auth_type = 1)
August 11, 2009 at 1:09 am
Thanks arun.
August 12, 2009 at 12:17 am
Dear All,
Here, i need one more query. i want to delete nullified transactions. meaning, all rows with same (seqno and auth_type 1 and 2). So that, i will have only approved transaction.
please help me with this query.
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