Query Help

  • Hi guys,

    The below part is the where condition of a query is there any alternate

    way to compare that directly

    (We store the created date as datetime but while comparing we have to

    compare till hours only.)

    Where DATEPART( yyyy,

    CreateDate ) = @SelectYear

    AND DATEPART( mm, CreateDate )

    = @SelectMonth

    AND DATEPART( dd, CreateDate )

    = @SelectDay

    AND DATEPART( hh, CreateDate )

    = @SelectHour

    Can the above be replaced as

    cast(createdate,datetime) = cast('12/12/2005 1:00 PM',datetime) -- this is

    not working for me

    but the comparision has to be done only till the hour not till the minutes

    and seconds.

    Thanks for your help

    with smiles


  • where CreateDate >= '12/12/2005 1:00 PM' and CreateDate < '12/12/2005 2:00 PM'

  • Try this

    WHERE convert(varchar(10),created_date,101) + ' ' +

    convert(varchar(2),datepart(hh,created_date)) + ':00 ' +

    CASE WHEN datepart(hh,created_date) >= 12 THEN 'PM' ELSE 'AM' END >= @inputdate

  • This is a great way to make sure performance is non existant. This force a scan of the table/index because of calculations on a field. The between version can use an index seek if an index is present.

  • Hi Guys,

     Thanks for your reply I got some other solution for this problem as given below.


    DATEDIFF(hour,cast(createdate as datetime),cast(@SQLSelectBeginDate as datetime)) = 0



    with smiles


  • Same performance problem, this won't use an index. Don't come back crying in 3 years when the query runs in 3 minutes when it should be in MS.

  • As remi is stating, you should create a begin and end date parameter instead of using datepart.

    set @Begindate = '10/07/2005 10:00:00'

    set @Enddate = '10/07/2005 11:00:00'

    Select ...

    From Mytable

    Where CreateDate >= @Begindate and < @EndDate

    Your performance will be terrible if you do you as you have presented in your example.

  • Interestingly this query takes much time to execute

    DATEDIFF(hour,createdate,@SQLSelectBeginDate) = 0


    than the below query

    Where DATEPART( yyyy,

    CreateDate ) = @SelectYear

    AND DATEPART( mm, CreateDate )

    = @SelectMonth

    AND DATEPART( dd, CreateDate )

    = @SelectDay

    AND DATEPART( hh, CreateDate )

    = @SelectHour

    any clues why... its killing me


  • Seriously, try reading what Ray and I said.

  • of the two options you have tried, they both are wrapping a function around a table column, which FORCES sql server to do a table scan, it cannot/will not use a table index/or statistics to perform your search.

    You seriously need to change your query as Remi, and I have presented.

  • I said what you said,



  • That's why I'm not repeating this anymore .

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