Query help

  • Greetings folks. I have been asked to show some information to a user, and I want to make sure I tell him correctly what he wants to know. We have contractors who work on jobs, and are supposed to wait until a job is scheduled to start before commencing work on them. However, they sometimes start before they are supposed to, because we have field employees feeding them copies of jobs before they are authorized. So, my user wants to see 1) the jobs that were started before authorized, 2) how many days early the jobs were started, and 3) the production footages on each job before it was authorized. Two tables involved:

    IF OBJECT_ID ('TempDB..#Jobs','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Jobs




    Job VARCHAR(20),--Just a unique job number

    RTC SMALLDATETIME-- Released To Contractor, date contractor is authorized to start



    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Contractor','u') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Contractor

    --Contractors are required to report their daily production in footages every day,

    --with the job number, date, and the footage of each type, direct buried(db), or path creation(pc)

    --I save these as tab delimited text, and BCP them to a staging table, then insert them into

    --my contractor_production table. I can calculate the actual start date by looking at


    CREATE TABLE #Contractor



    Job VARCHAR(20),

    Date_of_work SMALLDATETIME,

    db_footage INT,

    pc_footage INT



    So, now some test data...

    INSERT INTO #Contractor (Job,date_of_work,db_footage,pc_footage)

    SELECT 'Job1','3/1/2008',100,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','3/1/2008',0,300 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/1/2008',400,100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job1','3/2/2008',100,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','3/2/2008',0,300 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/2/2008',400,100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job1','3/3/2008',100,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job2','3/3/2008',200,50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','3/3/2008',0,300 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/3/2008',400,100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job1','3/4/2008',100,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job2','3/4/2008',200,50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','3/4/2008',0,300 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/4/2008',400,100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job5','3/4/2008',0,500 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job1','3/5/2008',100,0 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job2','3/5/2008',200,50 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','3/5/2008',0,300 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/5/2008',400,100 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job5','3/5/2008',0,500

    INSERT INTO #Jobs (Job,RTC)

    SELECT 'Job1','2/29/2008' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job2','2/29/2008' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job3','2/29/2008' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job4','3/3/2008' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Job5', NULL

    Finally, my query...





    DaysEarly = DATEDIFF(d,c1.start,ISNULL(j.rtc,GETDATE())),



    FROM #Jobs j,




    Start = MIN(date_of_work)

    FROM #Contractor

    GROUP BY job

    ) c1, --Don't know why this face is here, should be closing paren




    Early_db_ftg = SUM(db_footage),

    Early_pc_ftg = SUM(pc_footage)

    FROM #Jobs j,

    #Contractor c

    WHERE j.job = c.job

    AND c.date_of_work < = ISNULL(j.rtc,GETDATE())

    GROUP BY c.job

    ) c2 --Don't know why this face is here, should be closing paren

    WHERE j.job = c1.job

    AND c1.job = c2.job

    AND (c1.Start < = j.RTC OR j.RTC IS NULL)

    It seems to be telling me correctly that Jobs 4 and 5 were started early, and the footages on each one before they were released. For example, Job4 had 1200 feet of unauthorized db_footage, because it was started on 3/1, but not released until 3/3. I am including the release date in the unauthorized total, because there is a minimum of 1 day admin before a job should hit the field. So, the question is, what is the best way of doing what this query does, and is it telling me what I think it is? I don't know why the little faces are showing up where the closing parens should be in the derived tables.


    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

  • This may be easier to work with




    min(date_of_work) start_date,

    sum(case when c.date_of_work <= isnull(j.rtc,getdate()) then db_footage end) Early_DB_Ftg,

    sum(case when c.date_of_work <= isnull(j.rtc,getdate()) then pc_footage end) Early_PC_Ftg

    from #jobs j left join #contractor c on j.job=c.job

    group by j.job,j.rtc

    having isnull(j.rtc,getdate())>=min(date_of_work)

  • Thanks mrpolecat. That does seem much simpler. I can never think of what seems like the obvious, simple solution.


    The glass is at one half capacity: nothing more, nothing less.

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