Query help

  • For a given ReportTable this below query does A, B, C but not D.  I do not know where to change query so that it gives info in D .  Can someone show me how to modify to get D?
    A. # of attributes two reports have in common
    B. Report A column total # of attributes 
    C. # of attributes in common DIVIDED BY Report A total # of attributes   (as percentage)

    I also need
    D. # of attributes in common DIVIDED BY total  attributes for Report B column (as percentage)


    (CommonAttributesCount.CommonAttributesCount*1.00)/ReportATotal as reportApercentage,
    --gets me Total Report A Attribute Count
    ReportName as ReportA
    ,COUNT(AttributeName) ReportATotal
    FROM ReportTable
    GROUP BY  ReportName
    ) ReportA_TotalAttributes
    --lists all the reports in the ReportTable, side by side, next to a column showing how many attributes they have in common
    RT1.ReportName AS ReportA,
    RT2.ReportName AS ReportB,
    COUNT(*) AS CommonAttributesCount
    (SELECT DISTINCT ReportName, AttributeName FROM ReportTable) RT1 -- trying to ensure only distinct ReportName/AttributeName combinations returned, but not working
    INNER JOIN ReportTable RT2 ON RT2.ReportName > RT1.ReportName AND RT2.AttributeName = RT1.AttributeName
    WHERE RT1.[ReportName] <> ''
    GROUP BY RT1.ReportName, RT2.ReportName
    ) CommonAttributesCount
    ON ReportA_TotalAttributes.ReportA=CommonAttributesCount.ReportA

    if you run this, you'll see what I need results to look like this, but mine are currently short the last two columns

    SELECT 'COLUMN HEADERS','ReportA', 'CommonAttributesCount', 'ReportB', 'ReportATotal', 'reportApercentage', 'ReportBTotal', 'reportBpercentage'UNION

    SELECT 'ROW1','Compliance Details','3','Delivery and Invoice','6','0.50000','4','0.75000' UNION

    SELECT 'ROW2','Delivery and Invoice','1', 'Operations Review','4','0.25000','1','1.0000'

    Report Table

    create table ReportTable (
    ReportName varchar (20),
    AttributeName varchar(30)

    insert into ReportTable
    ('Compliance Details', 'Vendor Name'),
    ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
    ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
    ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
    ('Compliance Details', 'Region'),
    ('Compliance Details', 'SubRegion'),
    ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Customer Name'),
    ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Area'),
    ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Region'),
    ('Delivery and Invoice', 'SubRegion'),
    ('Operations Review', 'Customer Name'),
    ('Operations Review', 'Approver'),
    ('Operations Review', 'Approval Status');'Compliance Details' and 'Delivery and Invoice' share 3 attributes, and 'Delivery and Invoice' and 'Operations Review' share 1. 

    --Quote me

  • How are you arriving at the following values in your sample output script?


    If it is supposed to be shared attributes, shouldn't those counts be 3 and 1?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • I made mistake and corrected:
    CommonAttributes column for shared attributes, and they are 3 and 1.
    4 and 1 are the grand total of attributes for ReportB reports

    --Quote me

  • polkadot - Friday, March 24, 2017 2:41 PM

    I made mistake and corrected:
    CommonAttributes column for shared attributes, and they are 3 and 1.
    4 and 1 are the grand total of attributes for ReportB reports

    I don't see how "Compliance Details" has 4 attributes as a grand total. That report has 6 attributes and three shared attributes.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
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  • The underlying table (in real life!) will sometimes show the duplicate fieldnames for a single
    So my sample data shows Area duplicated within Compliance Details and in final results I want to count it once per report.

    --Quote me

  • polkadot - Friday, March 24, 2017 2:41 PM

    I made mistake and corrected:
    CommonAttributes column for shared attributes, and they are 3 and 1.
    4 and 1 are the grand total of attributes for ReportB reports

    I believe the numbers in the sample data to still be inaccurate. The grand total of the ReportB reports should be 4 and 3 based on the names provided in the samples and the count of unique instances of the attribute within that report.

    Based on that, here is something that should get you close.

    SELECT DISTINCT CommonAttributesCount.ReportA
            , CommonAttributesCount.CommonAttributesCount
            , CommonAttributesCount.ReportB
            , ReportATotal
            , ( CommonAttributesCount.CommonAttributesCount * 1.00 ) / ReportATotal AS reportApercentage
            , ReportATotal
            , rb.ReportBTotal
            , (CommonAttributesCount.CommonAttributesCount * 1.0)/ RB.ReportBTotal AS reportBpercentage
        FROM (
    --gets me Total Report A Attribute Count
                SELECT DISTINCT ReportName AS ReportA
                        , COUNT(AttributeName) ReportATotal
                    FROM ReportTable
                    GROUP BY ReportName
                ) ReportA_TotalAttributes
            LEFT JOIN (
    --lists all the reports in the ReportTable, side by side, next to a column showing how many attributes they have in common
                        SELECT RT1.ReportName AS ReportA
                                , RT2.ReportName AS ReportB
                                , COUNT(*) AS CommonAttributesCount
                            FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT ReportName
                                            , AttributeName
                                        FROM ReportTable
                                    ) RT1 -- trying to ensure only distinct ReportName/AttributeName combinations returned, but not working
                                INNER JOIN ReportTable RT2
                                    ON RT2.ReportName > RT1.ReportName
                                        AND RT2.AttributeName = RT1.AttributeName
                            WHERE RT1.[ReportName] <> ''
                            GROUP BY RT1.ReportName
                                , RT2.ReportName
                        ) CommonAttributesCount
                ON ReportA_TotalAttributes.ReportA = CommonAttributesCount.ReportA
            CROSS APPLY (SELECT rti.ReportName, SUM(rti.rownum) AS ReportBTotal --distinct attributes
                            FROM (SELECT rt.reportname, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY rt.reportname,attributename ORDER BY rt.reportname) AS rownum
                                    FROM dbo.ReportTable rt) rti
                            WHERE rti.rownum = 1
                            GROUP BY rti.ReportName) RB
        WHERE rb.ReportName = CommonAttributesCount.ReportB;

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
    Posting Performance Based Questions - Gail Shaw[/url]
    Learn Extended Events

  • I too am not sure about the proper solution, as your original data has duplicated values.   Here's what I came up with, after assuming that the duplicates are valid:

    CREATE TABLE #ReportTable (
        ReportName varchar (20),
        AttributeName varchar(30),
    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_ReportTable_ReportName_AttributeName ON #ReportTable
            ReportName ASC,
            AttributeName ASC

    INSERT INTO #ReportTable (ReportName, AttributeName)
        VALUES    ('Compliance Details', 'Vendor Name'),
                ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
                ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
                ('Compliance Details', 'Area'),
                ('Compliance Details', 'Region'),
                ('Compliance Details', 'SubRegion'),
                ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Customer Name'),
                ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Area'),
                ('Delivery and Invoice', 'Region'),
                ('Delivery and Invoice', 'SubRegion'),
                ('Operations Review', 'Customer Name'),
                ('Operations Review', 'Approver'),
                ('Operations Review', 'Approval Status');

    WITH ReportAttributeCount AS (

        SELECT ReportName as ReportA, COUNT(AttributeName) AS ReportAttributeCount
        FROM #ReportTable
        GROUP BY ReportName
        CommonAttributesCount AS (

            SELECT RT.ReportName AS ReportA, RT2.ReportName AS ReportB, COUNT(DISTINCT RT.AttributeName) AS CommonAttributeCount
            FROM #ReportTable AS RT
                INNER JOIN #ReportTable AS RT2
                    ON RT.ReportName < RT2.ReportName
                    AND RT.AttributeName = RT2.AttributeName
            GROUP BY RT.ReportName, RT2.ReportName
        RACB.ReportAttributeCount AS ReportBAttributeCount,
        (CACA.CommonAttributeCount * 1.00) / RAC.ReportAttributeCount AS reportApercentage,
        (CACA.CommonAttributeCount * 1.00) / RACB.ReportAttributeCount AS reportBpercentage
    FROM ReportAttributeCount AS RAC
        INNER JOIN CommonAttributesCount AS CACA
            ON RAC.ReportA = CACA.ReportA
        INNER JOIN ReportAttributeCount AS RACB
            ON CACA.ReportB = RACB.ReportA
        LEFT OUTER JOIN CommonAttributesCount AS CACB
            ON RAC.ReportA = CACA.ReportB;

    DROP TABLE #ReportTable;

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Jason and Steve, you've both understood and helped me.... for no reason but goodness. thank goodness! Many thanks 

    --Quote me

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