Query help

  • I need a query to get the expected output


    stguid stuName studwor stid

    ------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------

    642-4d5d-9af0-4c7a18ddChrisNameChris 255

    4171-8655-2de255b88e08ChrisCity SAN City 179

    2a0d-4100-bd1c-343882ChrisCounty Wendy 179

    48f0-b455-5207b187e639ChrisphoneNumberThis is a test phone 179

    4d5d-9af0-4c7a18ddd7b2ChrisDNameWTS Test 180

    4041-ba50-1085acf7d86cChrisDTypeThis is for Dtpetest 180

    Expected output:

    ChrisNameChrisCity ChrisCounty ChrisphoneNumberChrisphoneNumberChrisDType

    ---------- ------------ ------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------

    Chris SAN City WendyThis is a test phone WTS Test This is for Dtpetest

    Thanks for help in advance.

  • What is your criteria for the expected results?

    The Name?


    -------------------------------Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden [/url]Smart way to ask a question
    There are naive questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand (the world). There is no such thing as a dumb question. ― Carl Sagan
    I would never join a club that would allow me as a member - Groucho Marx

  • Hi,

    This should get the required output, but if the stuName values change and there's more records in there then it won't work. In which case I can only think that you'd need to do something using dynamic SQL. Can you change the design of the table?


    max(ChrisName) ChrisName

    ,max(ChrisCity) ChrisCity

    ,max(ChrisCounty) ChrisCounty

    ,max(ChrisphoneNumber) ChrisphoneNumber

    ,max(ChrisDName) ChrisDName

    ,max(ChrisDType) ChrisDType


    (select * from student) as src




    for stuName in (








    ) as pvt

  • I have provided sample data but i have 100 colmnns

  • do you mean 100 columns or 100 rows? Assuming that you mean rows then how do you know those particular 6 out of the 100 belong together? Can you post a few more 'sets' so that we can see what you mean? Or if you do mean columns can you post some more of those?

  • nonstandard ...

          In context .. the modeling is correct (or the default, at least I think so, sorry...;-)):

    create table #students

    (id int identity (1,1) not null,

    Name varchar(200),

    City varchar(100),

    County varchar(100),

    PhoneNumber varchar(100),

    Dname varchar(100),

    DType varchar(100))

         this way, you get the desired results more easily ...

    gives the impression that you're thinking in Excel (for its modeling presented) ...

  • I am working on reports but it is denormalized database..

  • for id there would be stuname like 100 row value which should be display as columns..

  • Mvs2k11 (3/27/2013)

    for id there would be stuname like 100 row value which should be display as columns..

    If you have 100 rows to pivot and are not sure about addition or deletion of rows(which need to be pivoted) in the future, then you should use a Dynamic Cross Tab. Its very very handy when it comes to Reporting.

    Here is how you do it on your data:

    --DDL and SampleData

    Create Table Ex


    stguid Varchar(100),


    studwor Varchar(100),

    stid Int


    Insert Into Ex

    Select '642-4d5d-9af0-4c7a18dd','ChrisName','Chris',255

    Union ALL

    Select '4171-8655-2de255b88e08','ChrisCity', 'SAN City',179

    Union ALL

    Select '2a0d-4100-bd1c-343882','ChrisCounty', 'Wendy',179

    Union ALL

    Select '48f0-b455-5207b187e639','ChrisphoneNumber','This is a test phone',179

    Union ALL

    Select '4d5d-9af0-4c7a18ddd7b2','ChrisDName','WTS Test',180

    Union ALL

    Select '4041-ba50-1085acf7d86c','ChrisDType','This is for Dtpetest',180

    --Dynamic Cross Tab

    Declare @sql Varchar(MAX)

    Select @sql = 'Select ' + STUFF((Select DISTINCT ',MAX(Case When stuName = ' + CHAR(39) + stuName + CHAR(39) + ' Then studwor Else '''' End) As ' + stuName From Ex FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    Select @sql = @sql + ' From


    Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(PARTITION By stguid Order By stguid) As rn From Ex

    ) As a

    Group By rn '


    I added the Row_Number() just so that I could Group the data. This would work in case of the uncertainty you have in the no. of columns to be pivoted.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

  • Thanks a lot it works...

  • Mvs2k11 (4/6/2013)

    Thanks a lot it works...

    You're Welcome. 🙂

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

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