Query Help

  • I have two table TableA(Master table) and TableB(Detail) table. The key field between both tables is ID. Here are the data in both table>

    TableA                                 TableB

    Id      Product                    Id     ItemNo

    1         New                       1         100

                                            1         200

    2         Old                    2       300

    3       Archive


    I need query which can pull data like this:

    ID         Product            ItemNo

    1         New               Either one 100 or 200

    2         Old                 300

    3        Archive            

    How can i pull only one record (either one) from detail table (like ID=1) and also pull record from master which does not have any detail record (like ID=3)

  • Is this what you need?

    Select P.Id, P.Product, min(D.ItemNo) as ItemNo from dbo.Products P left outer join dbo.Details D on P.id = D.id

    group by P.Id, P.Product

    order by P.Id, P.Product

  • or this ?!?!

    select P.Id, P.Product, D.ItemNo

    from Product P

    left outer join

    (select Id, min(ItemNo) as ItemNo

    from Details

    group by Id) D

    on P.id = D.id

    order by P.Id, P.Product

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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