September 16, 2011 at 1:09 am
Hello, I have a varbinary(max) variable containing data like
I want to put these values in a temporary table like
How can we do it ?
September 16, 2011 at 1:18 am
you may want to split the text on comma and then removing single quotes.
see here how to write split function.
September 16, 2011 at 1:29 am
Check out Jeff Moden's wonderful "DelimitedSplit8K"
It will get you started on resolving your quest 😎
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September 16, 2011 at 9:04 am
I tried this function with almost same code but seems its not giving all the records. Also after the first record all records are coming with a space in the first place. I tried ltrim and rtrim function but it didn't work either.
September 16, 2011 at 12:33 pm
sqlnaive (9/16/2011)
I tried this function with almost same code but seems its not giving all the records. Also after the first record all records are coming with a space in the first place. I tried ltrim and rtrim function but it didn't work either.
Almost the same code? did you use the one that ALZDBA posted from Jeff Moden or the other one with the loops in it?
I was able to use Jeff's code and it worked perfectly.
declare @WhyBinary varbinary(max)
set @WhyBinary = cast('''abc_defg'',''deftg_ghvf_se'',''qud_rf_t''' as varbinary(max))
select Item as Column_Value
from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(replace(cast(@WhyBinary as varchar(max)), '''', ''), ',')
So I have to ask, why are you storing character data in a varbinary field???
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