Query Help

  • I have a couple of queries in Access database that does exactly what I want. However, I want to convert this into an SQL query but I'm not quite sure how I can go about doing that.

    Here is my First query RolesByUser where UserId is provided dynamically through a parameter @userid

    SELECT UsersInRoles.RoleId

    FROM UsersInRoles

    WHERE UsersInRoles.UserId=[Enter UserId];

    Here is Second query that uses the query above:

    SELECT IIf(RolesByUser.RoleId Is Null,'N','Y') AS isUserInRole, Roles.RoleId, Roles.RoleName

    FROM Roles LEFT JOIN RolesByUser

    ON Roles.RoleId = RolesByUser.RoleId;

    The result would look similar to a sample below (minus "..."):




    Thanks in advance

  • great job on your first post providing lots of details..thank you!

    This is fairly straight forward; the IIF is really equivalent to a CASE statement like this; you provided everything else, what with the sample you posted:



    WHEN RolesByUser.RoleId Is Null

    THEN 'N'

    ELSE 'Y'

    END AS isUserInRole,



    FROM Roles LEFT JOIN RolesByUser

    ON Roles.RoleId = RolesByUser.RoleId

    --is this needed for a specific user? without it it shows all users.

    --WHERE UsersInRoles.UserId=@UserId;


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  • Thanks for the reply. The only issue is RolesByUser is not a table. It's a query I created in access.

    In other words, I need to merge the two queries I have listed above using UsersInRoles and Roles tables.

    The whole point of doing this is to list all the Roles in the database with a boolean (Y/N) column to indicate the roles assigned to a particular user.

  • I found a solution. 😀

    Thank you so much for your help



    WHEN RolesByUser.RoleId Is Null

    THEN 'N'

    ELSE 'Y'

    END AS IsUserInRole,



    FROM Roles LEFT JOIN (SELECT UsersInRoles.RoleId FROM UsersInRoles WHERE UsersInRoles.UserId=@UserId) AS RolesByUser

    ON Roles.RoleId = RolesByUser.RoleId

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