Query for status

  • Hi guys, I am working on a requirement where I am not finding any efficient way to get the desired output.

     I have a table called T_USERPROCESS_STATUS which contains processing status by users for few numbers on monthly basis. The table data looks like this:

    user  unit_id  processdate   userstatus   userstatusdate

    User1  121234  21april2017  confirmed  25april2015
    User1  121234  26april2017 confirmed with caveat 27april2017
    User1  121212  26april2017  confirmed
    User2  202134  24april2017  confirmed 
    User3. 303241  23april2017  confirmed

    I need user and his status based on the latest status (can check with last column). Here are the rules: if for a user, status of at least one unitid is confirmed, then status should be partially confirmed. If for a user, if at least one status is not confirmed, then status should be Not confirmed. If for a user, at least one status is confirmed with caveat and nothing as not confirmed then status should be confirmed with caveat. If for a user, all the unit ids are confirmed then status of user should be confirmed.

  • I notice your dates in your data are in the format ddMMMMyyyy. Is this actually how they are stored; are you using a varchar to store them?

    Can we have your data in a consumable format please, with the data types, so that we don't make any assumptions. If they really are stored as varchars in that format, this posses a hurdle to start with. See the link my signature on how to supply data.

    Edit: It would also really help if you included an expected output for your sample data, and include all the scenarios for your logic. For example you have logic for not confirmed, but your sample data contains no users with this status.



    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hey Thom, these are dates only and no VARCHAR. I gave few records to show they type of data. All date related columns are in datetime data types only.

  • I think something along these lines:

    SELECT user,
      CASE WHEN confirmed_count = user_count THEN 'Confirmed'
       WHEN not_confirmed_count > 0 THEN 'Not Confirmed'
       WHEN confirmed_with_caveat_count > 0 THEN 'Confirmed With Caveat'
       WHEN confirmed_count > 0 THEN 'Partially Confirmed'
       ELSE '?' END AS user_status
    FROM (
       SUM(CASE WHEN userstatus = 'confirmed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS confirmed_count,
       SUM(CASE WHEN userstatus = 'confirmed with caveat' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS confirmed_with_caveat_count,
       SUM(CASE WHEN userstatus NOT LIKE '%confirmed%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS not_confirmed_count,
       COUNT(*) AS user_count
      FROM (
       SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user, unit_id ORDER BY userstatusdate DESC) AS row_num
      ) AS derived
      WHERE row_num = 1 /* Edit: in huge hurry before, left out this obvious line */ 
      GROUP BY user
    ) AS derived2

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • sqlenthu 89358 - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7:01 AM

    I need user and his status based on the latest status (can check with last column). Here are the rules: if for a user, status of at least one unitid is confirmed, then status should be partially confirmed. If for a user, if at least one status is not confirmed, then status should be Not confirmed. If for a user, at least one status is confirmed with caveat and nothing as not confirmed then status should be confirmed with caveat. If for a user, all the unit ids are confirmed then status of user should be confirmed.

    Ok, let's cover this logic, as it seems to not make sense. First thing you state is that a user that has at least one confirmed should be partially confirmed. You then go on to say if they have at least one not confirmed then not confirmed, and if all confirmed then confirmed. These all conflict with each other. Say a user has 2 confirmed status, which is it, confirmed or partially confirmed? What about a user with statuses confirmed and not confirmed. Are they partially confirmed or not confirmed?

    Unfortunately, without expected output and full sample data, I've therefore had to guess a little (a lot), but does this meet your needs? If not, please see my first post and your questions will be a lot easier to answer 🙂
    USE DevTestDB;
    --Create sample table
    CREATE TABLE UserStatus
        ( varchar(6),
        unit_id int,
        process_date date, --Guessing not datetime
        user_status varchar(50),
        user_status_date date);
    --Insert Sample data
    INSERT INTO UserStatus
      ('User1',121234,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427'),
      ('User3.',303241,'20170426','not confirmed','20170427'),
      ('User5',565654,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427');
    --View our current sample data
    SELECT *
    FROM UserStatus;
    --Attempt at expected output
    WITH Statuses AS (
      SELECT ,
             MAX(user_status_date) AS Last_user_status_date,
             SUM(CASE WHEN user_status = 'confirmed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS confirmed,
             SUM(CASE WHEN user_status = 'confirmed with caveat' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS caveat,
             SUM(CASE WHEN user_status = 'not confirmed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS not_confirmed,
             COUNT() AS Statuses
      FROM UserStatus
      GROUP BY )
    SELECT ,
           CASE WHEN not_confirmed > 0 THEN 'not confirmed'
                WHEN caveat > 0 AND confirmed = 0 THEN 'confirmed with caveat'
                WHEN confirmed > 0 AND confirmed <= statuses THEN 'partially confirmed' --Total guess on this logic, see my post
                WHEN confirmed > 0 AND confirmed = statuses THEN 'confirmed'
                ELSE 'Unknown status'
          END AS user_status
    FROM Statuses
    ORDER BY ;
    --Clean up
    DROP TABLE UserStatus;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I'm thinking the statuses have a priority, not necessarily that the logic conflicts.  Here's my attempt, with results similar to Scott's:

        ( varchar(6),
         unit_id int,
         processdate date, --Guessing not datetime
         userstatus varchar(50),
         userstatusdate date);GO

      ('User1',121234,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427'),
      ('User3.',303241,'20170426','not confirmed','20170427'),
      ('User5',565654,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427');

    WITH LastStatus AS
        (SELECT , unit_id, processdate, userstatus, userstatusdate,
            CASE userstatus WHEN 'confirmed' THEN 1 WHEN 'confirmed with caveat' THEN 2 WHEN 'not confirmed' THEN 3 END AS statuspriority,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user, unit_id ORDER BY userstatusdate DESC) AS recentness
    CalcStatus AS
        (SELECT ls., MAX(ls.statuspriority) AS max_priority,
            SUM(CASE WHEN statuspriority = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS confirmed_cnt,
            SUM(CASE WHEN statuspriority > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS other_cnt
           FROM LastStatus ls
           WHERE ls.recentness = 1
           GROUP BY ls.)
    SELECT cs.,
        CASE WHEN cs.max_priority = 1 AND (confirmed_cnt > 1 OR other_cnt = 0) THEN 'confirmed'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 1 AND confirmed_cnt = 1 THEN 'partially confirmed'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 2 THEN 'confirmed with caveat'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 3 THEN 'not confirmed'
        END AS user_status
      FROM CalcStatus cs;

  • Apologies for late response. So here is the complete picture:
    Every user is mapped with one or more unit ids. Every month when our batch is processed, all entries get populated in this table I.e. user ID and related unit ids with userstatus and userstatusdate as NULL. In our UI, it only shows all users and their status which initially will be blank. Now as users start confirming all the unitids within their authority based on certain parameters, the status on UI will change. The different status we have are blank (means user not started confirming), "partially confirmed" (at least one unit is confirmed and rest are blank), "confirmed with caveat" if there is atleast one unitid with confirmed with caveat for that user but not a single "Not Confirmed". And at last the status will be "Not confirmed if there is atleast one unitid for that user with "not confirmed" status.
    Now that batch may run multiple times because of any production changes, so there might be multiple entries for a userid unitid mapping for a month. In that case, we have to select latest status entry based on userstatusdate.

    Hope that summarizes the requirement. I can try giving the scenario with test data but it will be lengthy to describe each scenario and what output should look like. However the above clarifies everything. All the dates are datetime showing the time as well.

  • Chris Harshman - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 1:10 PM

    I'm thinking the statuses have a priority, not necessarily that the logic conflicts.  Here's my attempt, with results similar to Scott's:

        ( varchar(6),
         unit_id int,
         processdate date, --Guessing not datetime
         userstatus varchar(50),
         userstatusdate date);GO

      ('User1',121234,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427'),
      ('User3.',303241,'20170426','not confirmed','20170427'),
      ('User5',565654,'20170426','confirmed with caveat','20170427');

    WITH LastStatus AS
        (SELECT , unit_id, processdate, userstatus, userstatusdate,
            CASE userstatus WHEN 'confirmed' THEN 1 WHEN 'confirmed with caveat' THEN 2 WHEN 'not confirmed' THEN 3 END AS statuspriority,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY user, unit_id ORDER BY userstatusdate DESC) AS recentness
    CalcStatus AS
        (SELECT ls., MAX(ls.statuspriority) AS max_priority,
            SUM(CASE WHEN statuspriority = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS confirmed_cnt,
            SUM(CASE WHEN statuspriority > 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS other_cnt
           FROM LastStatus ls
           WHERE ls.recentness = 1
           GROUP BY ls.)
    SELECT cs.,
        CASE WHEN cs.max_priority = 1 AND (confirmed_cnt > 1 OR other_cnt = 0) THEN 'confirmed'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 1 AND confirmed_cnt = 1 THEN 'partially confirmed'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 2 THEN 'confirmed with caveat'
             WHEN cs.max_priority = 3 THEN 'not confirmed'
        END AS user_status
      FROM CalcStatus cs;

    Thom and Chris, your query was good. Thanks a lot. I was thinking a lot on working on setting some priorities but was not sure how to proceed. This will certainly help me in future as well.

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