Query execution much slower after upgrade

  • The testing for this upgrade started a good few months ago and at that time SP1 was just a little bit too new to apply to the new environment. Because the company I work for are very risk averse I wouldn't have been able to go live with anything other than the system we tested against and so the SP1 isn't yet on the box. That's a great suggestion and I will be recommending that it is applied asap.

    Sadly Howard, the company is highly security concious and as much as I would like to, I can't post the plan because it contains just about every column name in the database (with 42 joins it would!) and also has business logic such as 'case' statements. However I can tell you that it is 14,489 lines long :crazy:. If I ever get a spare year, I will go through it and remove the sensitive bits and post it though. 😉

  • Hi

    Please check the compatible level of the database as in case of a backup restore, compatible level is not automatically upgraded to the current levels.



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