Query Analyzer Tricks

  • You actually don't need to change to tab delimited to paste into Excel. You can do it from the standard Grid. Just click on the column name to select it. You can then hold down shift and select multiple (or all) columns. Then hit CTRL-C to copy. Works like a charm.

  • Thanks Brian. One benefit I like of switching to tab is that I can get the column headers too, where they are absent in grid mode.

  • Yeah, that is pretty useful. I've been wanting the headers too. Thanks, chewrock!

  • For context sensitive help from BOL, you can highlight the SQL keyword(s) and type "SHIFT+F1"

  • An obvious (I feel) one not listed that made me very happy when I learned it, is that you can select some of the code and press F5 to execute only that code.

    Previously I was manually commenting out the bits I didn't want or cutting'n'pasting.  Ah, my olde newbie days!

    Steve (not Jones)


  • Actually either F5 or "Ctrl+E" or "ALT+X" will execute code.

    I prefer "ALT+X" as the keys are close to my fingers.


  • Can you post the script you use? I'd love to use it, too!

  • do you know of anyway to associate the "Script Object to Clipboard as..." to a hotkey in Tools/Customize keyboard settings?

  • BTW, in 2005's SQL Server Management Studio, when you do a SELECT, and copy from the grid, the headers now go with it to the clipboard!


  • In SQL QA, there is a Scripting options... dialog shortcut to Tools>>Options>>Script tab. This is right under the Script Object to... options. It helps setting some added time saving options.

    My next question would be; does any one know where this went in Sql Server Management Studio? Knock, knock.


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