Query Analyzer Template files, object browser bug

  • Just found an odd bug and was wondering if anyone else has seen this.

    Any templpate file in the directory 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Templates\SQL Query Analyzer' that has the NTFS compression turned on (that is, colored blue in Windows Explorer) does not display in the object browser's template tab of query analyzer.

    Control-Shift-Insert works fine to insert a template, however.

    What's up with that?


  • Just compressed some of my templates and they showed (Opened QA after compression)..

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Just curious then, what OS did you use?  Maybe it is an XP thing, as it's version of NTFS is ever so slightly different...  I've seen 2 XP machines exhibit this.

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