Query Analyzer - Execution Time

  • Some time ago I recall reading a post about how you could clear QA after executing a query. Basically if you run the same query twice, it runs the second time much faster than the first. I would appreciate being reminded of what to execute so that the query takes the same amount of time.

    Thanks you,



  • The second time it usually runs faster, because the execution plan is cached and reused. To start with the same condition do




    You might NOT want to do this on a production server.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Thank you Frank. Just what I was looking for!

    Happy New Year!


  • Actually... I have three queries that I am comparing. I have been running them with those two commands in between over an over. I get different times each time (for each select). Not radical - between 22 and 25 secs. Is there anything else I can execute so that I can get the same time each time? I am running on my own sql server - no one else is accessing my machine and I am not running anything else (that is doing anything at the moment anyway) on my machine.

    Thanks - DB

  • Be sure to run "CHECKPOINT" before dropping the cleanbuffers.  Otherwise it may not have the desired effect.

  • Thanks. That seems to help.

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