Query Analyer does not work

  • Correct on the restore with Move...

    There should be no problems with the logins if you stay in the same Enterprise Manager control


  • Tempdb can't be backed up. If you want to move it, you'll need to run an ALTER DATABASE statement, with a MODIFY FILE clause.

  • quote:

    Thank you everyone.

    I cannot get into isql.exe because apparently I do nto have the correct password.

    I am going to actually try backing up the databases and restoring to a new location. Does anyone know if this will work ?

    My plan is to backup the user databases first then proceed from there to tempdb, model, msdb and master

    Since you're able to connect using Enterprise Manager, you should be able to use the -E switch to make a trusted connection in isql. You could also reset your password from within EM.

    If you have a test environment you may want to practice some of these things before you move any databases/files.

  • You say nothing happens when you click on Query Analyzer. Did you check that what you clicked on actually links to isqlw.exe, and it doesn't have any extra command line arguments for nonexistent servers or logins?

    In Enterprise Manager under the Tools menu there should be a Query Analyzer item that will open QA using the same login as EM, no password entry required.

    Try looking for the isqlw.exe file and executing it directly with no options.

    Finally, do NOT stop the SQL Server service and do NOT copy system stored procedures to other databases. And don't worry about single user mode, detaching a database puts it in zero user mode very efficiently.

    Given that your original message said you only wanted to move user databases to another drive on the same server, all you have to do is detach a database, move the file, and reattach. Backup and restore would be more complicated, but it would be a good idea to backup the whole system before you started.

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