Query Analyer does not work

  • How can I get my Query Analyzer to work on NT ?

  • What kind of error messages are you experiencing? Have you tried reloading the client software?


  • Are you having any specific problems after you select your database go to tools and double click SQL Query Analyzer


  • When I click on the Query Analyzer, nothing happens.

    I am new to SQL server 7 and would like to move the databases off one drive to another.

    I wanted to move the user databases from one drive to another using the detach and attach procedures via Query Analyzer. Is there an alternative method ?

    Sql server was upgraded to version 7 a few years ago by person unknown and noone seems to have the software etc.

    Is there somewhere where I can download just the Query Analyzer portion as the Enterprise Manager works fine and is it safe to reinstall this part without affecting anything else ?

  • VGillingham

    1) If you have the ability to reinstall Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer should be part of that.

    2) You can detach and reattach via Enterprise Manager

    3) I have also been in an environment where someone walked away with the software. We just bought another copy. Yes - that was painful, but we didn't worry about being in a license violation.

    Good Luck - doesn't sound fun.


  • Do you have detailed info on this process -

    detach and reattach via Enterprise Manager and can I use this same process to move all of the sql server 7 databases ?

  • I'm running the SQL2000 version, but believe it is the same in this instance.

    Right-click on the database. Under the "All Tasks" option there should be a detach database option.

    Once the database has been moved to the other operating system location, right-click on the "databases" folder. The "attach database" option is under the "All Tasks" submenu.

    May fortune smile upon your efforts.


  • Thank you. However, it is a bit different for Version 7.0. I do not have the suggested options. However, I have found sp_detach_db and sp_attach_db procedures within the stored procedures of the master database.

    Here is what I want to do:

    1. Stop the services, MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent

    2.copy the sp_helpdb stored procedure from master to each of the other databases (Stored Procedures) - Do not know how to accomplish this step as of yet. If you have any suggestions, this would be appreciated.

    3. Put the database in single-user mode by clicking on the sb_dboption stored procedure.

    4. Click on the stored procedure sp_helpdb

    5. Take note of absolute file path location of all data and log files for the database.

    6. Click on the stored procedure sp_detach_db to detach the database.

    7. Physically copy the database data and log files to new location.

    8. Click on sp_attach_db to reattach the database.

    9. Remove files oin original location to a temporary place that in the event the procedure does not work, I can restore.

    10. Start the MSSQLSERVER and SQLServerAgent via Services

    11. Try to access the database via Enterprise Manager.

    12. If all works well. Success else

    stop services, restore files to source location. Do you know if I will have to run the detach and attach procedures again ? I have never run a procedure on SQL Server before.

    Do you see any flaws in this plan ?

    Can I use this procedure to move all of the SQL Server version 7.0 databases from one drive to another ?

  • Wish I were home - I have version 7.0 there.

    A couple of observations...

    1) You can't stop the services or enterprise manager won't work. Do everything without stopping the services.

    2) You should be able to look at the properties of the database to get the current paths. In SQL2K, the sp_helpdb proc does not give paths anyway.

    3) You should be able to detach without putting the database into single user mode.

    4) This is the real issue - just clicking on the stored procedure won't let you enter the parameters. You will probably need to create jobs to run the stored procedures in question.

    I have used another option before. SQL 6.5 had a "mirror" option. (Hope you have access to Books online ) You can mirror the database to the new location, then break the mirror with the new location being the active copy. This would be too slow if the databases are huge - but worked great for me in the past.


  • Have you downloaded any of the third party software that will give you QA abilities?

    I realize that QA came with the software package, but if doesn't work then try other software. It might make you life much easier.

    Bonne chance!

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Have you tried using isql.exe from a command prompt? If this tool is available you could run the procedures from there.

    You don't need to copy the sp_helpdb procedure.

  • Thank you everyone.

    I cannot get into isql.exe because apparently I do nto have the correct password.

    I am going to actually try backing up the databases and restoring to a new location. Does anyone know if this will work ?

    My plan is to backup the user databases first then proceed from there to tempdb, model, msdb and master

  • Yep - the backup and restore should work. Good luck with it all!


  • I'm an App DBA (therefore I may be wrong) but you may have problems with your logins with a backup/restore.

    One thing you might think about is doing a bcp of your system logins to a text file and then a bcp of the logins into a new Master database.

    Bonne Chance!

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Another thing to think about (as if you need more) is that the new database should be on the same directory. If not, then you will need to do a RESTORE with MOVE.

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

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