Query Amalizer issue

  • Hello

    I have a problem with results in Query Analizer. Table has 11000000 records. Need to see all data. Total result would be 11000000 records selected, but after 4500000 records of data all other rows are empty from first to last column. Any ideas?

    Thank you


    I can't see any parameters in qa apart from the amount of text to bring back - Maximum characters per column on Tools/Options/Results

    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • tried that..did not help

    max per column set to 256 and I have Scroll result as received option checked.

    All I do is select * from <table>. It takes 20 min to complete. When I scroll down I can see data for 4 389 380 rows of 11 000 000. All others empty. However, result shows correct total of rows. When I scroll up this last row with data (4 389 380 ) is empty, scroll down again - it has data again.



  • Possibility:

    When you get the results from a query, they have to be stored somewhere so they can be displayed. They are not being displayed directly from the database. Maybe your RAM doesn't have enough space to store the results for displaying.

    Try having the output be to a file instead of the Query Analyzer screen.


  • I agree with SQLBill

    I tested returning an int column for 66.5 million rows and all displayed

    Make sure you have the latest video driver installed I have seen issues with video drivers and large files in other programs displaying correctly.

    All so I can't believe that you actually need to "see" 11million rows I am positive that you can trim that down significantly with a Where and or a Group By clause

  • thank you to every one for help/

    I was able to see those records. Memory issue.


    Again, thank you very much

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