
  • Hello am using the following query:


    T_OrderHeader.OrderID, T_OrderHeader.CustomerID, T_OrderHeader.ShipTitle, T_OrderHeader.ShipForename, T_OrderHeader.ShipSurname,

    T_OrderHeader.ShipAdd1, T_OrderHeader.ShipCounty, T_OrderHeader.ShipPostcode, T_OrderHeader.OrderTotal,

    T_OrderHeader.OrderDate, T_OrderHeader.ShipDate,

    T_OrderHeader.OrderStatusID, T_Customers.Forename, T_Customers.Surname, T_Customers.Add1, T_Customers.County, T_Cards.CCNumber,

    T_Customers.Postcode, T_Customers.[e-mail],T_Customers.[Entrydate], T_OrdersOnHold.HoldReasonCode

    FROM T_OrderHeader INNER JOIN

    T_Customers ON T_Customers.CustomerID = T_OrderHeader.CustomerID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    T_Cards ON T_Cards.OrderID = T_OrderHeader.OrderID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    T_OrdersOnHold ON T_OrderHeader.OrderID = T_OrdersOnHold.Orderid LEFT JOIN

    T_HoldReasons ON T_OrdersOnHold.Orderid = T_OrderHeader.OrderID

    WHERET_Customers.[Regdate] = GETDATE()-31 AND

    ((T_OrderHeader.ShipAdd1 <> T_Customers.Add1)OR

    (T_OrderHeader.ShipPostcode <> T_Customers.Postcode) OR

    T_OrderHeader.OrderTotal >= 200 OR

    ABS(DATEDIFF(dd,T_OrderHeader.OrderDate,GETDATE())) BETWEEN 1 AND 7)

    ORDER BYT_Customers.[Entrydate] DESC


    with this query, i want to pull out records of NEW customers who have:

    1-placed an order over a certain amount

    2-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address,

    3-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address, the next day

    4-any new customer who has already placed an order within the last 2 weeks

    Can anyone help?

  • The datetime data type stores time with the date, so instead of "T_Customers.[Regdate] = GETDATE()-31"

    you may want to do something like:

    DATEDIFF(day,getdate(), T_Customers.[Regdate]) = -31



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • What constitutes a "new" customer?

  • Any customer who registered within the last 30 days

  • b_boy (8/19/2008)

    with this query, i want to pull out records of NEW customers who have:

    1-placed an order over a certain amount

    2-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address,

    3-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address, the next day

    4-any new customer who has already placed an order within the last 2 weeks

    Is the "certain amount" referred to in 1,2 & 3 the same?

  • 1-placed an order over a certain amount -(all orders)

    2-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address,-( all orders for new customers over 90 pounds)

    3-requested for an order over a certain amount to be delivered to a different address, the next day - (all orders for new customers over 20 pounds)

    4-any new customer who has already placed an order within the last 2 weeks - (new customers placing an order within a 14 day period, irrespective of amount)

  • What is the amount in condition #1?

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