• query

    SELECT count(Distinct PolicyNumber),CONVERT(varchar(4), EffectiveDate, 120)

    from GE_Transaction

    WHERE Status='A' AND DATEADD(year,10,EffectiveDate) > 'MonthReported' and Month_of_file='20060901'

    GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(4), EffectiveDate, 120)    

    Month Reported column has values like '09/01/06' for the month of september-06

    what i want is to run the query in a way

    where Month Reported column  takes the ending date of the month as in query below and not the starting date of the month





    SELECT count(Distinct PolicyNumber),CONVERT(varchar(4), EffectiveDate, 120)

    from GE_Transaction

    WHERE Status='A' AND DATEADD(year,10,EffectiveDate) > '09/30/06' and Month_of_file='20060901'

    GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(4), EffectiveDate, 120)             


  • DATEADD(year,10,EffectiveDate) > (DATEADD(mm, 1,MonthReported) - 1)

    However, if you want it up to the second, use

    CAST(convert(varchar(10),(DATEADD(mm, 1,MonthReported) - 1), 101) + ' 11:59:59 PM' as datetime)


    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

  • I would also suggest adding SET DATEFORMAT MDY to the start of your script. Otherwise, how will SQL Server know 09/01/06 is September 1st, 2006? It could be 9 January 2006.


  • What is the datatype of the column MonthReported?

    Is it actually a char that has literal values like '09/01/06' or is it a datetime and '09/01/06' only happens to be the display format you're watching?


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