
  • Hi Gurus,

    I have a table -- cricket  with 2 columns (player varchar(50) and captain varchar(50).

    player                    Captain

    Dravid                    Saurav

    Tendul                   Saurav

    Tendul                   Kapil

    Dravid                   Baji

    Now I want a ouput which will look like this :











    It will show players under each captain.

    How do i write a query which gives me such output ?

    Thanks in advance.




  • Though SQL is probably not the ideal environment to code this query as you are trying to format data, here is some code that might be want you are after.

    /* sample table and data */

    create table cricket ( player varchar(50) not null, captain varchar(50) not null)

    insert cricket values ( 'Dravid', 'Saurav' )

    insert cricket values ( 'Tendul','Saurav' )

    insert cricket values ( 'Tendul','Kapil' )

    insert cricket values ( 'Dravid','Baji' )

    /* display and format data */

    select captain, player



    select distinct a.captain , convert(varchar(50),'') as player,

     a.captain as link, 11 as captainfirst

    from cricket a

    union all

    select convert(varchar(50),'') as captain, b.player

    , b.captain as link, 21 as captainfirst

    from cricket b

    ) captainandplayer

    order by link, captainfirst


    /* end code */


    How does it work?

    a) firstly gets a list of the captains

    b) secondly gets a list of the players

    c) combines these two result sets with a union

    d) adds two fields to those result sets to

    i) group the captains and his players,

    ii) [captainfirst] sort the result, so the captain appears first within a group.

    e) returns this as a derived table, so dont have to use temp table.


    If you want those '-----' between the captain and his players, add the following :

    union all

    select distinct convert(varchar(50),'') , convert(varchar(50),'------') as player, captain as link, 15 as captainfirst

    from cricket c

    union all

    select distinct convert(varchar(50),'') , convert(varchar(50),'======') as player, captain as link, 25 as captainfirst

    from cricket d

    Have fun!


  • This is great work..Thanks Robert.

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