September 5, 2012 at 11:53 pm
I will keep this suitably abstract but something recently has got me wondering what makes a good DBA (aside from any technical ability)?
My sig. reads "measure twice, cut once" and I do think this is a necessary character trait for a DBA; we often have god-like privileges in our environments so its critical we respect that. However, when does 'methodical and meticulous' cross the line into interfering with productivity?
A DBA should also be able to cope with fairly high levels of stress; yes? Can you be a good DBA if you can't?
Interested in others thoughts and opinions.
September 6, 2012 at 3:01 am
I've often been asked to attend meetings as the database\technical contact.
The audience is usually the business managers with low or very little experience with databases, hardware and all the other fun stuff we like to get involved in.
In my experience, the ability communicate at a technical level appropriate to the audience is very important. Know your audience and their abilities, communicate with respect as they usually will be contributing to your salary.
:exclamation: "Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience." :exclamation:
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