Quad 700 vs. Dual 1 GHz

  • Hi Folks,

    I need to install SQL2000 sp3 as a stand alone server on an older box.  I have two choices.

    One is a quad 700 the other dual 1 GHz.  The HD and the underlying system buses are similar.

    Which should I use?

  • I'd say dual, but you'd really want to install on both, run some benchmark, like DBHammer (SQL2K resource kit) or MS Web App Stress Tool) and see what happens.

  • I would say that if you anticipate a very busy server then quad would be better, but if you have "light duty" application then the dual. 

    I would think also about the type of queries that will be run, short queries will be about the same on both, medium queries will run better on the dual , long queries are a toss up.

    For a definitive answer you will have to take Steve’s advice and test since there are 1000's of things that can affect performance.

  • Of cours you have to test it.

    In addition to that my suggestion is the following:

    If you have a lot of small concurrent transactions then a quad proc is better, if you have fewer but long running transactions/batches then chose the faster processors because of the fewer context switches


  • Thanks for the reply.

    This is going to be the SQL backend for a MS sharepoint site so there will be lots of short concurrent connections, so I am leaning toward the quad.

    I will go ahead and run a test as suggested to make sure the quad will keep up. I will let you know the results.

    Thanks again.


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