QOD 12/5/03

  • Interesting answer. I would have expected it to be able to use only one protocol, with shared memory being the most efficient method (but not a test answer). So I chose named pipes.

    Does it really use both? When/how would it select one protocol over the other?

    Larry Ansley

    Atlanta, GA

    Larry Ansley
    Atlanta, GA

  • From:


    Looking at the default values from the table at the bottom of this artical, I would take the correct answer as #3 "TCP/IP, Local Named Pipes" and I see most people who answered this question agree's with me.

    Unless I am Missing Something??

  • I think a more complete explanation would be nice. I quickly chose the popular TCP/IP, Named Pipes - thinking even if it's the other way around, I didn't care because it seemed a silly question.

    However, maybe it's not so silly. I'm not too familiar with shared memory, except I thought it similar to named pipes. What is the difference?

    I see Shared memory is not even an option in Server or Client network utility from SQL Server running on a 2000 sp4 OS. The choices are:

    Named Pipes







    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

  • In BOL, I found:

    For computers running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, the default server Net-Libraries are:

    - TCP/IP Sockets.

    - Named Pipes.

    For computers running Windows 98, the default server Net-Libraries are:

    - TCP/IP Sockets.

    - Shared Memory.

    Does IIS do something unusual to force SharedMem and NamedPipes? Or is the correct answer ... wrong?

  • The key is that IIS is communicated locally, so it'll probably use Shared Memory. Lookup BOL "Client and Server Net-Libraries".

    "The client calls to the IPC API are transmitted to a server Net-Library by the underlying IPC. If it is a local IPC, calls are transmitted using a Windows operating IPC shared memory or local named pipes. If it is a network IPC, the network protocol stack on the client uses the network to communicate with the network protocol stack on the server."

    Brian Knight



  • Well, I searched the web high and low and finally I guess the answer.

    I might be blind but I didn't find anything.

    Do you have some reference?




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Seems Win 2000 uses named pipes, not shared memory, which must be just for win 9x.

    Might the question or answer need some adjusting?

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

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