Pulling from two tables when data does not exist in both

  • I'm trying to pull sales for current year and last year for a list of customers. Sales are coming from 2 tables and the key is the customer ID. However the customer may not have data for both years so the ID may not exist in both tables. I could use a FULL OUTER but I don't get a cust id for last years sales. I also tried a UNION ALL but I want each years sales to be in it's own column. With a UNION  I get two rows and I need three.

    CREATE TABLE CYsales (cust_id varchar(5), sales decimal(4,0))

    CREATE TABLE LYsales (cust_id varchar(5), sales decimal(4,0))

    INSERT INTO CYsales (cust_id, sales)

    VALUES ('Cust1', 4000)

    , ('Cust2', 3000)

    , ('Cust5', 1500)

    INSERT INTO LYsales (cust_id, sales)

    VALUES ('Cust1', 2000)

    , ('Cust3', 1200)

    , ('Cust4', 5000)

    , ('Cust5', 3500)

    SELECT CYsales.cust_id

    , CYsales.sales

    , LYsales.sales

    FROM CYsales

    FULL OUTER JOIN LYsales ON LYsales.cust_id = CYsales.cust_id


    SELECT CYsales.cust_id

    , CYsales.sales

    FROM CYsales


    SELECT LYsales.cust_id

    , LYsales.sales

    FROM LYsales

    What I hope to get is:
    Cust1 4000 2000
    Cust2 3000 NULL
    Cust3 NULL 1200
    Cust4 NULL 5000
    Cust5 1500 3500

  • I got this one:
    SELECT CASE WHEN [CYsales].[cust_id] IS NULL THEN [LYsales].[cust_id] ELSE [CYsales].[cust_id] END AS [cust_ID]
     , [CYsales].[sales]
     , [LYsales].[sales]
    FROM [CYsales]
    FULL OUTER JOIN [LYsales] ON [LYsales].[cust_id] = [CYsales].[cust_id]
    ORDER BY cust_ID

    Does that suit your needs?  I ran the above and I get
    cust_ID    sales    sales
    Cust1    4000    2000
    Cust2    3000    NULL
    Cust3    NULL    1200
    Cust4    NULL    5000
    Cust5    1500    3500

    EDIT - edited for formatting and to change the temp tables to real tables.  I used temp tables while working on this to ensure things worked before posting.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

  • That's perfect. Thanks so much. I can mold this into a CTE and combine into my other six tables to complete the report. Thanks again.

  • Perfect case for the sexy COALESCE function:

       COALESCE([CYsales].[cust_id], [LYsales].[cust_id]) AS [cust_ID]
    , [CYsales].[sales]
    , [LYsales].[sales]
    FROM [CYsales]
    FULL OUTER JOIN [LYsales] ON [LYsales].[cust_id] = [CYsales].[cust_id]
    ORDER BY cust_ID

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • autoexcrement - Monday, July 3, 2017 3:17 PM

    Perfect case for the sexy COALESCE function:

       COALESCE([CYsales].[cust_id], [LYsales].[cust_id]) AS [cust_ID]
    , [CYsales].[sales]
    , [LYsales].[sales]
    FROM [CYsales]
    FULL OUTER JOIN [LYsales] ON [LYsales].[cust_id] = [CYsales].[cust_id]
    ORDER BY cust_ID

    Yes.  COALESCE (or even ISNULL) is more pretty in the code than that big ugly CASE... My brain just went for the first solution I could think of.  Which is also how I usually end up with cursors.  Thankfully with production code, I tweak it before it goes live so I don't have to worry about cursors hitting a live server.

    The above is all just my opinion on what you should do. 
    As with all advice you find on a random internet forum - you shouldn't blindly follow it.  Always test on a test server to see if there is negative side effects before making changes to live!
    I recommend you NEVER run "random code" you found online on any system you care about UNLESS you understand and can verify the code OR you don't care if the code trashes your system.

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