Publisher or Distributor or Subscriber

  • I have recently joined one of the company they have 20-25 servers.

    They have Transaction replication

    They have seperate Publisher, Distributor and Subscriber server.

    How do I know which one is Publisher or Distributor or Subscriber?

    Is there any way to find, if I am on publisher or distributor and how should I know which publisher a distrubutor is using and vise-versa


  • If you go to Enterprise Manager, you can check under the replication tab to see your publications. These are publishers. You can also check subscriptions. The publication properties will tell you where the distributor is.

    Note that a particular server can be all three or any combination of them.

  • In ent mgr you can expand the Replication folder on each server.

    You will see publications only on a publisher. Expand publication to see each server subscribing to pub.

    Right click on 'Replication' folder at pub - select 'Configure PUblishing, Subscribers, and Distribution...' - on 'Distributor' tab you will see distributor svr for publisher.

    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • Is there any system table which keep all this information for Publisher and Distributor

    Like who is the distributor and there subscriber and vise-versa?


  • [publisher].[userdb].syspublications


    [publisher].[master].sysservers where srvname = 'repl_distributor'



    Chris Becker

  • I am almost there but how do I know which is which etc?

    Anyhow thanks Chris


  • The srvname should tell you which server. The table tells you if it's publishing or subscribing. Not sure about distributor.

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