prpper protection level for deployment

  • What protection level should my packages be set to before I deploy them to ensure a smooth process?

    let me be specific of my needs:

    I use an ftp in 3 of my packages & when I switched the protection level to 'dont save sensitive', the task fails.

    What I really want is to set the protection level to 'server storage', but when I do this (on the dev computer where my pkgs are still 'files') I get an error message telling me that 'this protection level can not be used when saving to this destination' which I'm assuming is happening because it's not deployed yet to the server,

    so what protection level do I need to set it to BEFORE i deploy that I can successfully change to 'server storage' after deployment.

  • I try to never store passwords or other sensitive data IN my packages. Trusted security used for all connections if possible. I also tend to store such things in package configurations. So I usually leave it at the default and always replace the values at run-time.

    I'm not sure if that answers your question.


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