Proxy account not being used

  • Hi

    I have a frustrating problem where I am using the Ola Hallengren jobs to backup to a network share. (This isn't something specific to his scripts).

    For various reasons the SQL Server account can not be granted access to the share so I thought I would use a proxy account which does have access (this has been fully tested). I am using a CmdExec proxy.

    The problem comes now that when I run the job it still thinks access is denied when running the xp_create_subdir command.

    When I recreated this problem locally on my machine, as soon as I add the SQL Server account access to the share the backups work, so why isn't the job using the proxy account?


  • If I remember correctly, the job will still run in the context of the SQL Server Agent service account if the job owner is a member of sysadmin. Is that the case here?


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