provide data by date.

  • Hello, I have a query that pulls totals and percentages from a dataset

    what I would like to do is create a query that provides the totals and percents like the query below but list it by date. So the first couple of rows would look like this:

    01-01-2007 | @total_905 | @total_attempted905 | percent_attempted905 | total_contacted905 | percent_contacted905

    01-02-2007 | @total_905 | @total_attempted905 | percent_attempted905 | total_contacted905 | percent_contacted905

    and I would have a row for each day of the year...

    sum(case when a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as total_905,

    sum(case when b.attempted = 'on' and a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as total_attempted905,

    left(cast(sum(case when b.attempted = 'on' and a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as decimal (6,2)) /

    cast(sum(case when a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as decimal (6,2)) * 100, 5) as percent_attempted905,

    sum(case when b.contacted = 'on' and a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as total_contacted905,

    left(cast(sum(case when b.contacted = 'on' and a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as decimal (6,2)) /

    cast(sum(case when a.npa = 'South' then 1 else 0 end) as decimal (6,2)) * 100, 5) as percent_contacted905


    tbl1 as a

    left tbl2 as b

    on = b.jobid COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS


    convert(varchar, timeofcode, 112) =

    convert(varchar, getdate()-1, 112)

    I hope this makes sense, thank you in advance...

  • This doesn't make sense.

    Can you separate columns and data, or is that not what you're showing.

    You have an incomplete SQL statement that includes stuff that doesn't seem to relate to percentages and totals. The CASE statements don't mean anything to us.

    Work with a smaller data set, we don't need your exact business logic for everything, just tell us what you are trying to get from the data set. If you have a row for each day, then what is the percentage and totals you are trying to get? running for each day, month, year?

  • Ok fair enough Steve, let's say I have a table with a date column and I want perform a calculation like a count for each record that appears for each day this year. So my resulting query will give me (as an example):

    dayofyear daily totals

    01-01-2007 30

    01-02-2007 28

    01-03-2007 42

  • Is this what you are looking for?

    declare @test-2 table


    [dayofyear] datetime,

    dailytotals int


    insert into @test-2

    select '01-01-2007', 01 union all

    select '01-01-2007', 05 union all

    select '01-01-2007', 10 union all

    select '01-02-2007', 28 union all

    select '01-03-2007', 42 union all

    select '01-03-2007', 01 union all

    select '01-03-2007', 15

    Select [dayofyear], sum(dailytotals)

    from @test-2

    group by [dayofyear]

    order by [dayofyear] ASC

  • Hi Adam and Steve, I've gone another rout and posted a new question under the title: display contents of while loop.

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