Pros/Cons of using Win 2003 over Win 2000 for sql

  • We've recently got a new Server in.

    The server has 16Gb of RAM, 8 cpus etc

    We now have a choice of sticking with Windows 2000 Advanced Server or going with Windows 2003 Enterprise edition.

    Besides being able to use more RAM and having to use Service pack 3a

    Any pros/cons of both ?

    Any recommendations ?

  • Havent used enough to say for sure, but what I've seen of clustering it's smoother (and supports more nodes).


  • Thanks for your reply Andy.

    We use Full text, replication, analysis services etc

    What issues / Enhancements has MS introduced for sp3A ?

    I know that once Service pack 3A is installed all full text indexes are automatically rebuilt..

    In a replication scenario Is it necessary or just a recommendation that all participants in the replication scenario are using the same service pack ?

    Anything else to look out for ?

  • For replication, the recommendation has always been to ensure that (at least) the distribution server is at the highest version/most recent service pack.



  • As for the WIn 2k vs 2003 I have not seen much. 2003 does have a bit better engine for addressing memory, also does not have as many services loaded by default (this impacts ram also).

    However start here for details from MS on WIndows 2003 which does have some doc on advancements

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