Proper Planning Order...

  • Hello all...

    I am wondering if someone here can counsel me or provide a link to learn more about the planning that must take place to run SQL2000?

    What I mean is as follows...

    Coming from Access97/2000 clients, I have learned that my "normal" planning and slight admin duties are not enough when it comes to SQL2000.

    Normally, I'd lay out my tables, figure out my PKs and FKs, create the dbase in Access, test using either VB or ASP (usually ASP as it's so easy to test from) and work out any problems that way - via trial and error.

    Now, using SQL2000, there's so much more to know and learn. For instance, I didn't realize that I have to grant permissions to a new user to actually use the ASP page to get to the dbase. Plus, I have to worry about ID and Passwords to the dbase as well. Plus, I have to worry about setting up the dbase as a server's all so new, that while I've got my first "dog&pony show" up and running under testing, it's been a real fight to know what etc. etc.

    Books OnLine has been very helpful...but are there other online resources that any of you might know of that would allow me to use Tutorials to gain knowledge? Especially for a newbie? Hey, it took all day to be able to figure out a conn string to be able to I said, I'm new and the diff tween Access2000 and SQL2000 is somewhat daunting...I mean,is it a server -- sort of? Why does my ZoneAlarm require then that I grant it server privilages to run on my dev box? Do you understand my 'newbieness' now?



  • Hey Jim,

    We have a lot of useful articles here on the site that might help clear the fog some. For example, I have one posted that explains how logins and users work, something that you'll be tackling as you learn to set everything up. I dont have a good recommendation on a book, we'll see what other readers say on that!

    The biggest difference between SQL and Access is where the work is done. Using Access all work (querying, reporting, etc) is done on the client, even if the database is on a share someplace. With SQL you "send" a query request to a server, it figures out the answer, then returns the results to you. This allows depending on how you look at it to have a less powerful client machine or the ability to leverage a far more powerful dedicated server machine. So yes, SQL is a "server":-)

    One thing you might want to look back at is that Access actually supports security and replication, it's just rarely used. The planning steps you discussed are still valid, you'll just have to add a few things. There is a lot to learn and it'll take time. Post your questions as you go and we'll try to help, all we ask is that you try to figure it out on your own first.


  • Thanks Andy!

    I always struggle first, trying this n that via trial and error...BEFORE asking for help..else the 'helper' might as well get the cheque from the client directly. My worth in the IT industry is based on my own knowledge and skillSet I realize, so I'm always trying to increase that!

    So...I will read and learn and code...and if I've problems...I'll ask then, fair enough?

    Thanks once again....and a book anyone? Or online Tutorials?


  • You might want to look at getting the SQL Server 2000 Administrator's Companion ( or the Pocket Consultant ( from MS Press. Those are both a little easier to read and take you through some of the major concerns with regards to setting up and using SQL Server.

    Also, depending on what you are looking to do, as Andy has suggested, peruse the articles by category. If you don't see something covering what you're having questions on, don't hesitate to post. We're here to help.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

  • If you want to email as I don't know what the rules are on posting links here. I will be glad to send you several help and usefull links to sites I use. Also, in regards to ZoneAlarm and server premission, yes SQL 2000 is a server that by default lives on port 1433 on TCP/IP but can also talk namepipes, appletalk and a few other that is what ZA is barking about.

  • ZoneAlarm is looking at port reservations and when SQL Server asks for exclusive use of port 1433 via TCP, it is tagged as a server, which in the client-server nomenclature, it is.

    Normally ZoneAlarm tells you when an application is trying to communicate out. What generally happens is a network client requests a dynamic port assignment (Basically, "OS, give me a port, any port will do.") and the OS does. It'll then use this port to talk with whatever system across the network.

    In the case of a "server" process, the process is listening on a particular port, and reserves it for its use only ("OS, I want port X which I'm going to listen on for others to communicate with me."). In SQL Server's case that's port 1433. But a web server will likely grab 80 and possibly 8080 or 443.

    K. Brian Kelley

    K. Brian Kelley

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