April 19, 2012 at 1:41 am
I am trying to adapt C# code that configures the Data Conversion task from the code used in SQL 2005 and 2008 to 2012. Many things seem to have changed, and I am unable to figure out how to correctly assign the properties for the input->output path in the Conversion task. The following code worked for 2005 and 2008:
IDTSPath90 path = this.mainPipe.PathCollection.New();
path.AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(sourceComponent.OutputCollection[0], convComponent.InputCollection[0]);
IDTSInput90 input = convComponent.InputCollection[0];
IDTSVirtualInput90 virtualInput = input.GetVirtualInput();
//Binder start og converted sammen. VirtualInput på converted er output på start
foreach (ModelColumnTransformation columnTransformation in transformation.Transfers)
foreach (IDTSVirtualInputColumn90 virtualColumn in virtualInput.VirtualInputColumnCollection)
if (string.Compare(virtualColumn.Name, columnTransformation.FromColumn.Name, true) == 0 || (columnTransformation.FromColumn.Preformatted && columnTransformation.FromColumn.Name.EndsWith(" as \"" + virtualColumn.Name + "\"")))
convInstance.SetUsageType(input.ID, virtualInput, virtualColumn.LineageID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);
IDTSOutputColumn90 outputColumn = convComponent.OutputCollection[0].OutputColumnCollection.New();
outputColumn.Name = virtualColumn.Name + " (Converted)";
outputColumn.SetDataTypeProperties(columnTransformation.ToColumn.DataType, columnTransformation.ToColumn.Length, columnTransformation.ToColumn.Precision, columnTransformation.ToColumn.Scale, 0);
outputColumn.ErrorRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_FailComponent;
outputColumn.TruncationRowDisposition = DTSRowDisposition.RD_IgnoreFailure;
IDTSCustomProperty90 outputProp = outputColumn.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
outputProp.Name = "SourceInputColumnLineageID";//I expect this line to be the problem
outputProp.Value = virtualColumn.LineageID;//I expect this line to be the problem
outputProp = outputColumn.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
outputProp.Name = "FastParse";
outputProp.Value = false;
Apparently, the inner workings of the LineageID property has changed, and if I look at the SSIS format, the LineageID now needs to be a "logical" string instead of an integer ID. I have been unable to figure out where to obtain this ID in the objects and assign it in the transition from input to output.
May 22, 2012 at 5:32 am
Problem solved. For 2012, the ContainsID property needs to be set for the internal representations to work. This was not required for 2005 or 2008.
IDTSCustomProperty90 outputProp = outputColumn.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
outputProp.ContainsID = true;
outputProp.Name = "SourceInputColumnLineageID";
outputProp.Value = virtualColumn.LineageID;
outputProp = outputColumn.CustomPropertyCollection.New();
outputProp.Name = "FastParse";
outputProp.Value = false;
August 22, 2013 at 2:50 am
i also have the same issue , for the changes which you said is not wrking
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