Programming Replication

  • Hey All, I wrote this with tons of help, Thanks Andy. This is the one in use now, was hoping you all could take a gander and help me find any problems. I'd really like to find a better way to run the snapshot agent. I tried using the SQLActiveX objects (;%5bLN%5d;319647) Here's the Code!


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    Dim oRDB 'As SQLDMO.ReplicationDatabase

    Dim oDb 'As SQLDMO.Database

    Dim oPub 'As SQLDMO.MergePublication

    Dim oArticle 'As SQLDMO.MergeArticle

    'create standard server object first

    Set oserver = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    With oserver

    .LoginSecure = True

    .Connect DTSGlobalVariables("srvName").Value

    End With

    set oDB = oserver.Databases("DTS_Store")

    'get this to be a little closer to where we will do the work

    Set oRDB = oserver.Replication.ReplicationDatabases("DTS_Store")

    'pub normally has same name as db, doesn't have to though

    Set oPub = CreateObject("SQLDMO.MergePublication2")

    set oPub = oRDB.MergePublications("DTS_Store")

    nTBLCount = 0

    For Each oTbl in oDB.Tables

    strTblName = oTbl.Name

    strSql = "Select * From sysmergearticles Where [name] = '" & strTblName & "'"

    set oResults = oserver.Databases("DTS_Store", "dbo").ExecuteWithResults(strSQL)

    if oResults.Rows = 0 And oTbl.SystemObject = False then

    'add 1 to the new table counter

    nTBLCount = nTBLCount + 1

    'table is not a merge article need to add it

    'create the article

    Set oArticle = CreateObject("SQLDMO.MergeArticle")

    With oArticle

    .Name = strTblName

    .SourceObjectName = strTblName

    .SourceObjectOwner = "dbo"

    End With

    'add it to the collection

    oPub.MergeArticles.Add oArticle

    'clean up

    Set oArticle = Nothing

    End If


    'get the snaposhot job id

    set oJob = oserver.JobServer.GetJobByID(oPub.SnapshotJobID)

    If oJob.CurrentRunStatus = 4 and nTBLCount > 0 Then

    'job isnt running start the job


    'need to waste some time...

    oDB.ExecuteImmediate("waitfor delay '00:00:10'")



    ''now need a time loop to watch for job completion b4 we reinitialize the subscriptions

    jStat = 0

    Do While jStat = 0

    'need to waste some time...

    oDB.ExecuteImmediate("waitfor delay '00:00:10'")



    If oJob.CurrentRunStatus = 4 then 'job is completed

    jStat = 1

    End if


    End If

    'reinitialize the subscriptions


    'run the merge agent

    'resync the subscriptions

    For Each oMSub in oPub.MergeSubscriptions

    'here we resync each merge subscription

    oPub.ReSynchronizeSubscription oMSub.Name,oMSub.SubscriptionDB,0


    'clean up

    Set oPub = Nothing

    Set oRDB = Nothing


    Set oserver = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

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