January 18, 2008 at 4:50 am
I am not sure whether I am posting in a appropriate forum. I am working on a Installer Project, which requires to deploy SQL Server 2005 Reports (.rdl files) and Datasource (.rds file). The datasource is common for all reports. The report files are available in multiple folders (under D:\TestReport) and the .rds file is in a folder called 'Data Sources'. I wrote a VB.Net console application to do the task. I am able to deploy the report files under the specified folders. But I don't know how to deploy the rds file and assign that datasource to the report files.
I have created s datasource based on the input. The datasource is created, but when I browse the reports, the error "The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)" appears. Herewith I have attached the code I used. Somebody please help me in this regard.
Module Module1
Sub Main(ByVal Arg() As String)
'If Arg.Length < 5 Then Exit Sub
Dim DBServer As String = "Server" 'Arg(0)
Dim DBName As String = "DBName" 'Arg(1)
Dim ReportServerURL As String = "http://localhost/ReportServer1/ReportService2005.asmx" 'Arg(2)
Dim ReportsParentFolder As String = "C:/TestReport" 'Arg(3)
Dim ReportParentFolderName As String = "DB Reports" 'Arg(4)
Dim RServices As New ReportingService2005.ReportingService2005()
RServices.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
RServices.Url = ReportServerURL
RServices.CreateFolder(ReportParentFolderName, "/", Nothing)
Dim ReportPath As String = ""
Dim ReportDef() As Byte
Dim DirInfo As New DirectoryInfo(ReportsParentFolder)
Dim CurrentFolderName As String = ReportsParentFolder
Dim CurReportFolderName As String = "/" & ReportParentFolderName
' Create datasource for the report.
Dim dDefinition As New ReportingService2005.DataSourceDefinition()
dDefinition.Extension = "SQL"
dDefinition.ConnectString = "Data Source=" + DBServer + ";Initial Catalog=" + DBName
dDefinition.ImpersonateUser = False
dDefinition.ImpersonateUserSpecified = True
dDefinition.Prompt = Nothing
dDefinition.WindowsCredentials = True
dDefinition.CredentialRetrieval = ReportingService2005.CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store
dDefinition.Enabled = True
dDefinition.EnabledSpecified = True
dDefinition.UserName = ""
dDefinition.Password = ""
dDefinition.WindowsCredentials = True
For Each RdlFile As FileSystemInfo In DirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos
If RdlFile.GetType.Name = "DirectoryInfo" Then ' it is a folder
RServices.CreateFolder(RdlFile.Name, "/" & ReportParentFolderName, Nothing)
CurrentFolderName = ReportsParentFolder & "/" & RdlFile.Name
CurReportFolderName = CurReportFolderName & "/" & RdlFile.Name
Dim DirInfo1 As New DirectoryInfo(RdlFile.FullName)
For Each RdlFile1 As FileSystemInfo In DirInfo1.GetFileSystemInfos
If RdlFile1.GetType.Name <> "DirectoryInfo" Then
ReportPath = RdlFile1.Name
Dim File As New FileStream(CurrentFolderName & "/" & ReportPath, FileMode.Open)
ReportDef = New Byte(File.Length) {}
File.Read(ReportDef, 0, CInt(File.Length))
If LCase(Mid(RdlFile1.Name, RdlFile1.Name.Length() - 2)) = "rdl" Then
RServices.CreateReport(ReportPath.Remove(ReportPath.Length - 4, 4), CurReportFolderName, True, ReportDef, Nothing)
End If
If LCase(Mid(RdlFile1.Name, RdlFile1.Name.Length() - 2)) = "rds" Then
RServices.CreateDataSource("ReportData", "/" & ReportParentFolderName & "/Data Sources", False, dDefinition, Nothing)
End If
End If
Else ' it is a rdl file
ReportPath = RdlFile.Name
Dim File As New FileStream(CurrentFolderName, FileMode.Open)
ReportDef = New Byte(File.Length) {}
File.Read(ReportDef, 0, CInt(File.Length))
RServices.CreateReport(ReportPath.Remove(ReportPath.Length - 4, 4), CurrentFolderName, True, ReportDef, Nothing)
End If
CurReportFolderName = "/" & ReportParentFolderName
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Module
January 21, 2008 at 9:25 am
There is an app i downloaded from the web called RSScripter.exe
This allows you to script all your reports, models, datasources etc from a report server and deploy them to another site/server (re-linking datasources for you)
I can't remember where i downloaded it from but i am sure if you google it you will find it.
If you can't drop me a line and i will send it to you
February 29, 2008 at 9:08 am
Change the "DBName" with your database name and it should work all good. I used your code and i was successfull deploying my report. Thanks to you.
February 29, 2008 at 9:10 am
Also change you connection string with this below and try.
dDefinition.ConnectString = "Data Source=" + DBServer + ";Initial Catalog=" + DBName + ";integrated security=SSPI"
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