Programatically ORDERing BY

  • Hi

    How would one programatically ORDER BY? This is what I am trying to do:

    declare @a as varchar(1) = '1';

    set @a = '2';

    select * from b1

    order by


    WHEN @a = '1' THEN cast(b1 AS varchar(10))

    when @a = '2' then b12



    when 'b' = 'b' then desc

    when 'b' = 'c' then asc


    I get this error:

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 11

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'case'.

    This works fine, but doesn't quite accomplish what I am trying to do:

    declare @a as varchar(1) = '1';

    set @a = '2';

    select * from b1

    order by


    WHEN @a = '1' THEN cast(b1 AS varchar(10))

    when @a = '2' then b12


    desc -- or just left out if the data needs to be sorted asc.

    I've also tried select * from b1

    order by


    WHEN @a = '1' THEN cast(b1 AS varchar(10)) desc

    when @a = '2' then b12 desc



    --when 'b' = 'b' then desc

    --when 'b' = 'c' then asc

    --end with this error:

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 7

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'desc'.

    I've searched around a bit to get this far, but it seems that the answer to this asc/desc question may lie here with you guys 😉

    Side question: Why do I need to CAST the integer b1 as a varchar(10)?

    Thank you very much!


    Creation script:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[b1](

    [b1] [int] NOT NULL,

    [b12] [varchar](10) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (1, N'bob11')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (2, N'bob12')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (3, N'bob13')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (4, N'bob14')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (5, N'bob15')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (6, N'bob16')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (7, N'bob17')

  • I changed your creation script so you can see that the script here is working correctly. Give it a shot, this should work for you.

    The main problem you are having is because you can't put the ASC/DESC inside the case statement which is normal. With the sort order outside the case statement it works fine, but you need to use two separate case statements in the order by clause to do this. Essentially the @a is the column number and @b-2 is the order. The nice thing here as well is that you would be able to sort by additional columns if you chose to.

    declare @a as varchar(1)

    select @a = '2' --column number in select statement to order by

    declare @b-2 as varchar(1)

    select @b-2 = 'a' --sort order 'a' or 'd' for ascending and descending respectively

    SELECT b1, b12

    FROM b1



    WHEN @a='1' AND @b-2='a' THEN CAST(b1 AS varchar(10))

    WHEN @a='2' AND @b-2='a' THEN b12


    END ASC,


    WHEN @a='1' AND @b-2='d' THEN CAST(b1 AS varchar(10))

    WHEN @a='2' AND @b-2='d' THEN b12



    Creation script:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[b1](

    [b1] [int] NOT NULL,

    [b12] [varchar](10) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (1, N'bob17')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (2, N'bob16')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (3, N'bob15')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (4, N'bob14')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (5, N'bob13')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (6, N'bob12')

    INSERT [dbo].[b1] ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (7, N'bob11')

  • Hi AndrewJacksonZA,

    Did this work? If you remember 😉

  • How about something like this?


    [b1] [int] NOT NULL,

    [b12] [varchar](10) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (1, N'bob11')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (2, N'bob12')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (3, N'bob13')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (4, N'bob14')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (5, N'bob15')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (6, N'bob16')

    INSERT #b1 ([b1], [b12]) VALUES (7, N'bob17')

    DECLARE @sort INT = 1; -- DESC

    WITH MyTable AS (

    SELECT b1, b12


    FROM #b1)

    SELECT b1, b12

    FROM MyTable

    ORDER BY a*POWER(-1, @sort);

    SET @sort = 0; -- ASC

    WITH MyTable AS (

    SELECT b1, b12


    FROM #b1)

    SELECT b1, b12

    FROM MyTable

    ORDER BY a*POWER(-1, @sort);


    DROP TABLE #b1;

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