Procs Suddenly Failing

  • in my development environment I am getting the following error message from many procs that are called from my Web forms "INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_NULLS.'". The server is shared between several users. I think that something must have been changed inadvertently from when the procs were originally created because they used to work. What should I do to track down the problem and fix?



  • I think you are going to have to re-install the procedures.  I would change one of the procedures that is currently failing to have ANSI_NULL ON or OFF (Depending on what they currently are) To find that out I would script the procedure using:  Right-click on proc, goto all tasks, generate script.

    I would then (after getting the ANSI_NULL working for the one) go and right-click on database, properties, options and ensure that it is correct there....


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Check ur indexes ... u see this kind of behaviour when u try to index a calculated column. Theres a very specific set of rules to be able to do this without breaking it ... ie about 7 specific SET options.

    Not having these options set correctly at the point of CREATING the SP / table / view will cause all sorts of warnings like this when trying to update a table with an Index like this!

    ... and apart from just removing the index, it's next to impossible to rectify after the fact!

    Have a look around ... u'll probably find that someone's tried to be clever and put in an index like this!!

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