processors & threads

  • We have a 4 processors servers & SQL SERVER ED 2000 & W2003 server.

    Sometimes I see that one processor is full used.

    Questions :

    - SQLSRVR.EXE contains with tasks ? (indexing, full text indexing, )...

    - this process use multi processors ?

    - HAve to manage the using of processors by sqlserver ? (anywhere else than sql server properties / processors)




  • Assuming you've not assigned SQL Server to use specific processors, SQL Server will use multiple processors as the need arises. If the cost to manage the process using multiple processors is more than the performance gain for a given query, it won't. Also, Full Text Indexing is the Microsoft Search (mssearch.exe) service which SQL Server interfaces with.

    Normally you don't have to manage to processor utilization by SQL Server. Are you running into performance issues and that's why you're asking the question?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Some collegues informs me about this point and users about prb of performances.

    But the latch wait time , lock wait are good, network for the server too and transaction pretty low. I think it a network prob and not a DB prb.

    so the question is more for more for me !



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