Processing cube - SELECT SQL statement

  • This might be a dumb question, but could you please explain me how SSAS 2005 constructs the SQL query when processing the cube?

    In some cubes I get a simple SQL select from the fact table, but in some other cases it is a JOIN with some other dimension tables.

    ps: I inherited the cubes from another developer and did not build them.

    Any thoughts welcome.


    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

  • The query is defined in the DSVs. If you don't change anything it is a straight select from a table. Or you can change it and it can be a very complicated join...etc. It is up to the developer.

    Look at the DSV in BIDS or VS and see how it defined.


  • Susan Shafer (4/13/2008)

    The query is defined in the DSVs. If you don't change anything it is a straight select from a table. Or you can change it and it can be a very complicated join...etc. It is up to the developer.

    Look at the DSV in BIDS or VS and see how it defined.


    Thank you for the answer. That's what I thought in the first place.

    This was because I was trying to create a new cube with similar layout, measures, dimensions but could not make SSAS do JOIN.

    So the question still remains - when does SSAS do a simple SELECT FROM [measureable] and under which circumstances does it need to do SELECT FROM [measeuretable],[dimtable1],[dimtable2]... WHERE ((..) AND (..) AND (..))


    Thank you for your help

    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM


    M.Sc.IT, M.B.A, MCTS BI 2008, MCITP BI 2008, MCTS SQL Dev, CSM, CDVDM

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