Process and format all records from table, for an specific column

  • I am working on a function to remove/ replace special characters from a string from a column named "Title". Currently I am testing the code for one record at a time. I would like to test the code against all the records in the table, but I do not know how to modify the current t-sql to process all the records rather than just one at a time. I would appreciate if someone could show me how, or what type of modifications I need to do to be able to process all records. 

    This is the code as I have it right now:

    DECLARE    @str VARCHAR(400);
    DECLARE    @expres VARCHAR(50) = '%[~,@,#,$,%,&,*,(,),.,!,´,:]%'

    SET @STR = (SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(LOWER([a].[Title]), CHAR(9), ''), ' ', '_') FROM [dbo].[a] WHERE [a].[ID] = '43948')

    WHILE PATINDEX(@expres, @STR) > 0
            SET @STR = REPLACE(REPLACE(@str, SUBSTRING(@str, PATINDEX(@expres, @STR), 1), ''), '-', ' ')
            SELECT     @str COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1251_CS_AS

    For a Title containing the value: Schöne Wiege Meiner Leiden, the output after the code is applied would be: schone_wiege_meiner_leiden
    I only need to make the code work to process multiple records rather that one by specifying the ID.

    I hope I can get some help, I am really excited to learn how to make this change.

    Thank you for your help.


    Code sample originally taken from: remove-special-characters-from-string

  • you could just do it with nested REPLACE() functions.  I have only done the first two ([ and @). You would need to be careful with the % as that is a wild card and you might need to escape it first. Yo can then drop the WHERE clause 

                                (LOWER([a].[title]), CHAR(9), ''), ' ', '_'
    FROM [dbo].[a]

    If you don't know what the REGEX is going to contain then I think you would need to build up the string dynamically using the technique you first identified to build the string in the format above and then 

    sp_sqlexec @STR
    to execute it.  Note that if you do this the query optimiser will never be able to cache the plan.[/code] to execute it.  Note that if you do this the query optimiser will never be able to cache the plan.
    You could build the above as a function and then pass the value in to the function but this will take a performance hit as it will have to run the function for each row in the results set and again can't be optimised.

    Overall it is a bit ugly.

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