procedure to return set of records

  • I'm new to SQL Server. Does anyone have/know how I can write a stored proc that will return a certain set of records. For example: myproc 100 150 will return from record 100 to record 150. Thanks for all the help.

  • Is the 100 to 150 a field that you can reference in your table or are you talking simply row numbers? If you have a field just create a stored proc like this:

    create procedure spTest

    @FromNum int,

    @ToNum int


    select *

    from myTable

    where myCol between @FromNum and @ToNum

    If you want to use row numbers I'll have to get back to you on that one.



  • Thanks for the tip. Yes, I would like to use rownum for this stored proc. Once again, thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.


    Is the 100 to 150 a field that you can reference in your table or are you talking simply row numbers? If you have a field just create a stored proc like this:

    create procedure spTest

    @FromNum int,

    @ToNum int


    select *

    from myTable

    where myCol between @FromNum and @ToNum

    If you want to use row numbers I'll have to get back to you on that one.


  • Can you give me the exact example? The row number is arbitrary depending on how you sort so this seems like an odd thing to do. I have to run but I'll try and check your response tonight.



  • I think you cannot do it with one simple SELECT. But if you have rows ordered by a certain column (say, c1), you may need something like this:

    INSERT #person

    SELECT TOP 100 person_id

    FROM person

    ORDER BY person_id

    SELECT TOP 50 last_name

    FROM person

    WHERE person_id >

    ( SELECT TOP 1 person_id FROM #person )

    ORDER BY person_id

    There might be more elegant way based on the nature of your table's data.

  • depends on the parameters that pass in. for example:

    exec myproc 10 , 20

    will return from row 10 to row 20

    exec myproc 11 , 35

    will return from row 11 to row 35

    sorting is not required since the stored proc will return the entire record for each row.


    Can you give me the exact example? The row number is arbitrary depending on how you sort so this seems like an odd thing to do. I have to run but I'll try and check your response tonight.


  • Could you give me the purpose of this query in a real example so I can think it through more?



  • I think he's trying to refer to something like a search engine - so the data is returned in pages of 20 or so instead of 1000 records being sent across the network at once.

    I've thought about this sort of process as well, although more in terms of retrieving first 20, then next 20, etc - not retrieving abritary row ranges.

    I would do something like...

    Assume you have a table called Clients, which has a column ClientID which you are ordering by...

    select *

    from Clients C

    where C.ClientID in (

    Select C1.ClientID

    from Clients C1 inner join Clients CPrevCount on C1.ClientID >= CPrevCount.ClientID

    Group By C1.ClientID

    Having Count(*) between @Start and @Finish


    order by ClientID

    But I think that's a bit messy (was off top of my head)

    Or perhaps (MUCH MUCH CLEARER - also seems to be simpler execution plan)

    select *

    from Clients C

    where (

    Select Count(*) from Clients

    Where ClientID < C.ClientID

    ) between @Start and @Finish

    Both took quite a while to run, even with ClientID (in my database) being indexed - although I don't think it is clustered, which would make a difference.

    I have seen a better way to do this - look for an article about detecting runs orstreaks in your data on (from memory).

    Anyone got better ideas!!?? 🙂


  • Been getting really frustrated to have this run in under several minutes to return the rows between 20 & 40 in the database. In the end I have resorted to a temp table solution - which takes about 3 seconds!!

    Unfortunately it uses the top clause, which does not accept variables. Two ways around that.... Either use dynamic SQL (which, despite the many discussions about it, I tend to avoid) or create a function which has used the Set RowCount=@NumRows statement, then selecting into a temporary table (ideally one in memory instead of my lazy way below), then issuing Set RowCount=0 to return all rows again. This would let you have some flexibility - just some ideas anyway! I'm sure someone can come up with a better solution 🙂 <g>

    select top 40 ClientID

    into #TmpClients

    from Clients

    Order by Surname, Firstname

    Select * from Clients

    where ClientID in (

    Select top 20 ClientID

    From #TmpClients

    Order by Surname, Firstname Desc


    Order by Surname, FirstName

    Drop #TmpClients

  • My personal opinion would be to return all records that might be used and then process the subsets on the client side. You can easily do the loop by 20 in any client application. Is this really that much data that you want to hit the database only if they choose a Next button or something?



  • You can do this by exporting all records into temporary table with identity column. But there are two major problems. One is if you have already used an identity column in your table, you cannot add a new identity column to temp table. Second one is if table contains millions of records; there will be some performance problem.

    select identity(int, 1,1) as colNum, *

    into #temp

    from yourTable

    select * from #temp where colNum between 5 and 100


    mcp mcse mcsd mcdba

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