Procedure taking more time to execute

  • Hi All,

    My Front end people getting time out error in some situation. Also when i see the Profiler its taking around 30Sec of Duration,30Sec of CPU and 234Sec of Reads.

    But if i use SET SHOWPLAN_ALL, it is showing less number of consumption time taken for execute a Procedure.

    I want to know,for this slow down of Procedure any Server level Setting is there?


  • It's not really possible to suggest solutions without understanding the problem. You have a query that is running too long. OK. You've got the basic information of duration, CPU and I/O. Great. It's a good start. Now, you need to get three other pieces of information in order to really drill down. You need the execution plan and you need the Statistics Time & Statistics IO. All three come from running the query in Management Studio. They'll show you where the slow down is occurring and you can figure out if it's out of date statistics, bad indexes, poor execution plans, etc.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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