Procedure parameters

  • SQL 7.0/ 2000

    Is it possible to find out whether parameter in the procedure requires a value or what is the default value for it with systables.

    Most of the information about sproc can be obtained through syscomments table, thou I can not find those 2 extras.

    Thanks in advance

    here is the script that I have so far.

    DECLARE @objid int

    SELECT @objid = [ID] from sysobjects where xtype = 'p' and name = 'spr_u_profile'

    PRINT @objid

    /*Check if procedure has parameters*/

    IF EXISTS (SELECT [id] FROM syscolumns WHERE [id] = @objID)



    [name] as 'Parameter_Name' ,

    type_name(xusertype) as 'TYPE' ,

    Length = 'Length',


    WHEN isoutparam = 0x00 THEN 'NO'

    ELSE 'YES'

    END as 'Out Param',


    WHEN type_name(xtype) = 'uniqueidentifier' then xprec

    ELSE OdbcPrec(xtype,length,xprec)

    END as 'Prec',

    OdbcScale(xtype,xscale) as 'Scale',

    colid as 'Param_Order',

    Collation as 'Collation'

    FROM syscolumns


    [id] = @objid


  • Check out thread for more details and a link to a sp that a member posted to help.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I was looking something where I do not have to parse procedure text.

    I believe that SQL Server has it saved somewhere in the system tables, thou so far I haven't been able to find it.

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