proc on a view quicker than the same proc with table joins

  • hi,

    i was working on a huge complicated proc and later realised that may be i can use base tables directle instead of using view (because this view will select all rows in the tables). So I flipped the views with tables and did run profiler to chk performance.

    I was surprised to know that proc with view in the from caluse was 1 sec quicker than same proc with base table.

    Does anybody have any idea ?


  • Is the view and indexed view?

    Also, is your logic between the view and the table joins the same (same filters in the where applied etc)?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • yes view is indexed and tables have indexes too (exectly the same). and infact, view has extra filter 'user_name () = user'

    ....same number of rows in result set.

  • With the view being indexed, you have essentially materialized the data into a CI and thus you will see those performance gains because the data is in the CI and the query to the view is pulling the results from there rather than the underlying tables.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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