
  • How can i use db name as parameter in a store proc?


    create proc test

    @dbname varchar(30)


    use @dbname

    select empid,jobid from tblemp


  • You need to use dynamic sql if that is what you are trying to do.

    declare @SQLCmd nvarchar(4000)

    set @SQLCmd = 'use ' + @DBName + ';select * from dbo.myTable'

    exec (@SQLCmd)

    The above is just a quick description, you need to carefully consider how you are using this.


  • You may create procedure as system procedure in master database.

    Then it will be executed in context of current database.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Lynn

    What if I have 1000 lines of sql statements instead of just one select statement?

    because nvarchar allows jusr 4000 characters

  • Haven't had that big if a dynamic sql requirement that I am aware of at least. I have several sql scripts that I use to create tables, views, and stored procs that use dynamic sql; but where I am using those is SQL Server 2005 and I use the varchar(max) to hold the sql command.

    I think you may be able to concatenate several variables together in the EXEC call (exec (@SQLCmd1 + @SQLCmd2)).


  • If am using sql server 2005, how many characters does nvarchar allow me.

    just curious to know if my proc will run in 2005

  • Lynn

    I am concating my sql statemements and exec as

    exec (@sqlcmd1+@sqlcmd2+@sqlcmd3)

    I will get 3 result sets but i need only 1 result set, like

    exec @sqlcmd1 union exec @sqlcmd2 union exec@sqlcmd3

    how is it possible?

  • Mike, I'd either end SQLCmd1 and SQLCmd2 or start SQLCmd2 and SQLCmd3 with the UNION operator.

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