problems with subquery counts

  • I am trying to get distinct counts on forms a certain user has filed for a certain day. I am using a subquery to do the counts and returning all the same counts. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thoughts? Suggestions?

    PROCEDURE [dbo].[testDailyLogReport]


    @SelectedOffice varchar(100),

    @SelectedDate DateTime,

    @Outreach bit



    --Table for the main query

    Declare @DailyLog Table


    NatureOfLog varchar(200),

    ReportDate DateTime,

    NoSC numeric,

    NoNSC numeric,


    if @Outreach = 0


    insert into @DailyLog

    Select distinct

    f.Name as 'NatureOfLog'

    ,DateAdd(day,270,vf.SubmittedDate) as 'ReportDate'


    ,(Select RecordCount from FunctionNumberofNODand9(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach)) as 'NoNOD'

    --Code 1

    ,(Select count (DISTINCT NatureId) from FunctionDailyClaimsForm4138(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where NatureId in (1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,16) )+

    (Select count (DISTINCT FORMID) from FunctionDailyClaims(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where Formid in (1,8,9,13,14))

    as 'NoSC'

    --Code 2

    ,(Select count (DISTINCT NatureId) from FunctionDailyClaimsForm4138(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where NatureId in (15,11,18,13,7) )+

    (Select count (DISTINCT FORMID) from FunctionDailyClaims(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where Formid in (1,8,7))

    as 'NoNSC'


    Events e

    join Veg v on v.VegID = e.VegID

    join Forms f on e.VegID = f.VegID

    join Forms f on f.FormId = f.FormId

    join Offices o on o.OfficeId = e.OfficeId

    join Regions r on r.RegionId = o.RegionID


    dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,vf.SubmittedDate)) = dateadd(dd,0, datediff(dd,0,@SelectedDate))

    and o.Name = @SelectedOffice

    and e.OutReachTypeId is null

    and f.FormStatusId= 3


    --Return the data

    Select * from @DailyLog

    AJ Mendo | @SQLAJ

  • Eeek. Function subqueries with a cross join on top: join Forms f on f.FormId = f.FormId (And one that is completely wrong, since you already joined that alias)

    Not to mention there are tons of syntax errors in this piece of code. Try again?

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • I can't post all the code, I tried to clean it and it appears I messed it up more for the post. Oh well.

    Thanks for the help.

    AJ Mendo | @SQLAJ

  • AJ Mendo (12/15/2008)

    I am trying to get distinct counts on forms a certain user has filed for a certain day...

    ,(Select RecordCount from FunctionNumberofNODand9(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach)) as 'NoNOD'

    --Code 1

    ,(Select count (DISTINCT NatureId) from FunctionDailyClaimsForm4138(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where NatureId in (1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,16) )+

    (Select count (DISTINCT FORMID) from FunctionDailyClaims(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where Formid in (1,8,9,13,14))

    as 'NoSC'

    --Code 2

    ,(Select count (DISTINCT NatureId) from FunctionDailyClaimsForm4138(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where NatureId in (15,11,18,13,7) )+

    (Select count (DISTINCT FORMID) from FunctionDailyClaims(@SelectedOffice,@SelectedDate,@Outreach) where Formid in (1,8,7))

    as 'NoNSC'

    Which one of these is the one that is calculating wrong? NoNOD, NoSC, NoNSC? You mention you're getting count by user, which paremeter to your functions represents that user? As has been already mentioned, executing scalar functions in your SELECT clause like that can be slow, is there a set based way to get the counts as a derived table (subquery in the FROM clause)?

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